Page 32 of Healer Daddy

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“Your reflexes seem… quite strong,” he said, his voice husky with barely contained lust. “But I want to be thorough.”

“Please — I want you to be thorough, Doctor,” Patti whispered, her eyes locking onto his. The unspoken plea hung in the air between them, a fragile thread connecting their hearts and bodies.

Trent’s fingers found their way to the very center of her arousal, teasing her entrance with a feathery touch. Patti’s breath hitched, her body quivering with anticipation.

“Are you ready?” he asked softly, his eyes searching hers for any sign of hesitation.

“More than ready,” she responded, her voice tight with need.

Without further ado, Trent slid a finger inside her, eliciting an involuntary gasp from Patti. The sensation was exquisite; her body welcomed him eagerly, greedily, as if trying to pull him deeper inside. As he began to move his finger in a slow, rhythmic motion, Patti felt her pleasure building to a crescendo. She could hardly believe that such an intense reaction was possible from such a simple act.

“Your response is… remarkable,” Trent observed, a note of awe in his voice. “I’ve never seen anything quite like it.”

Patti couldn’t speak, couldn’t think, could only feel the relentless waves of pleasure crashing over her. With one final, shuddering moan, she came, her body clenching around Trent’s finger in an intimate embrace.

As her breathing slowly returned to normal, Trent withdrew his finger and gave his hands a wash. Then, he retrieved something slim and sleek from a nearby drawer, along with a small bottle of lubricant.

“Next, I’ll be checking your temperature,” he explained, taking the sterile thermometer out of its wrapper. Thankfully it was a brand new one, not one that had been used on countless animals. He must have bought it for the purpose of medical play with her. “For accuracy, it’s important to insert this particular thermometer into your bottom.” He squeezed out some liquid from the bottle and coated the tip of the thermometer with a generous amount of lubricant. “This might feel a bit strange at first, but try to relax.”

Patti nodded, feeling simultaneously nervous and excited by the prospect of this new experience. As Trent positioned himself behind her, she took a deep breath and willed her body to comply with his instructions.

The first touch of the cool, slick thermometer against her sensitive flesh sent a shiver down her spine. But as Trent gently began to press the instrument inside her, she found that the sensation was not at all unpleasant. In fact, the feeling of fullness it provided was strangely satisfying.

“Ah, there we go,” Trent murmured as the thermometer slid into place. “Just a moment more… good girl.”

Patti shivered as he praised her, butterflies doing backflips in her tummy.

As he waited for the reading, Patti marveled at her own capacity for pleasure. She’d never imagined that an experience like this could be so intense, so exhilarating.

Eventually, Trent checked the thermometer, and slowly pulled the smooth glass tube from her bottom.

“Your temperature is normal,” Trent announced, concern etched into his features. “You don’t have a fever, but this is most worrying.”

Patti’s heart pounded in her chest, her body still tingling from the sensations he had drawn out of her. “W-what do you mean?” she stammered, trying to catch her breath. “Worrying?”

Trent met her gaze, his expression resolute. “To have this kind of pleasure reaction, without a fever, is most concerning. I believe you require extreme treatment, Patti.”

Her eyes widened, curiosity mixed with apprehension. What could he possibly have in mind? And yet, the thought of him taking control in such a way sent a thrill down her spine. She trusted him completely, even if she didn’t fully understand what he intended to do.

“Alright,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “I trust you, Doctor North.”

His eyes softened, the corners of his lips lifting ever so slightly. “You’re doing very well, Patti,” he said, his voice laced with gratitude. “I promise to take good care of you.”

As he stepped away for a moment to prepare, Patti’s mind raced with possibilities. Her body still hummed with arousal, and the sight of his erection beneath his pants only served to fuel her imagination. She couldn’t deny that she wanted him, all of him, in every way possible.

But it wasn’t just lust that drove her thoughts. The connection they had forged, the vulnerability they had shared, had created something deeper between them. She knew that whatever “extreme treatment” awaited her, it would be an experience that further bound their hearts and souls together.

“Are you ready, Patti?” Trent asked, his voice steady but not without a hint of anticipation.

She nodded, her heart in her throat. “Yes,” she managed to say, the word filled with equal parts excitement and fear.

“Good girl,” he replied, his eyes locked onto hers.

Trent pulled out something strange and bulky-looking. It almost looked like a pale beige microphone. Was it a piece of medical equipment? Some kind of bovine probe?

“This is the Hitachi magic wand,” he explained. “It’s the most powerful vibrator in the world.” Patti’s heart started to race. “When it was first invented, it was marketed as a massage aid for people with injuries. Let’s just say that the housewives of Japan did not use this item for its intended purpose.”

“W-will it hurt?” she asked, as he approached her with the vibrator.
