Page 44 of Healer Daddy

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Together, they pushed open the door to the barn and stepped inside. The crisp air carried the earthy scent of hay and the faint rustling of hooves and feathers within.

“Let’s see how our patients are doing,” Trent said with a smile, pushing open the barn door.

Inside, they were greeted by a sight that seemed nothing short of miraculous. All around them, animals that had once been on the brink of death were now showing signs of improvement. Their late-night research sessions and diligent quarantine procedures were finally paying off.

“Look at them, Trent!” Patti exclaimed, her eyes shining with joy as she took in the healthy animals. “They’re getting better!”

They walked around the barn, taking in each of the animals. It was true—all of them seemed to be improving. Something struck Trent.

“You know, Little one, the animals who started on your special relaxation regime the earliest are faring the best.”

Patti’s mouth opened wide. “Really?”

“Look for yourself,” he said, gesturing at Thunder. He was the first animal Patti had played music to, and he looked so much better.

“I can’t believe it. I was right!”

“Your dedication and determination have made all the difference, Patti,” he told her sincerely. “I’m so proud of you.”

Overwhelmed by the moment, Trent pulled her into a tender kiss. The world seemed to recede into the background as he lost himself in Patti. Her positivity, passion, and fiercely free spirit swirled around him and he kissed her harder. She moaned softly as she yielded to his desire, and when they eventually parted, she was left panting and dewy-eyed.

Then, to Trent’s shock, she opened her mouth and said, simply, “I love you.” Her voice quivered with vulnerability. Her cheeks reddened with embarrassment.

The declaration caught him off guard, but the instant the words had left her lips, he exploded with joy. She loved him.

His mind raced with thoughts of their shared journey, the obstacles they had faced together, and the bond they had formed through it all.

She was his forever girl.


Why had she said it?

Patti’s heart raced as her words hung in the air between them, and she suddenly wished she could take them back. The barn seemed to close in around her, its wooden walls and hay-strewn floor a too-intimate witness to her vulnerability. She chanced a glance at Trent, afraid of what she might find in his eyes.

Trent studied her face with tenderness, his brown eyes shimmering with emotion. “Do you really mean that?” he asked gently, reaching out to brush a strand of hair behind her ear.

Patti hesitated for only a moment before nodding, her fear giving way to a quiet determination. “Yes, I do,” she whispered, her voice barely audible above the soft rustling of the animals around them.

“Good,” Trent murmured, pulling her into his arms and pressing his lips to her forehead. “Because I feel the same way about you, Patti. I love you. So very deeply. You make me a better man.”

Patti felt so happy she could hardly breathe. They loved each other? It seemed to good to be true, and yet it was true. The truest thing in the world!

Trent’s eyes sparkled with a newfound intensity as he leaned in to kiss Patti again, his strong hands holding her face tenderly. Their lips met in a passionate dance, fueled by the love they had just confessed to each other.

Patti’s heart raced, her breath coming in short gasps as she tried to keep up with the whirlwind of emotions coursing through her.

How could it be that amidst the convalescing animals, their bleats and whinnies providing a surreal soundtrack, Patti found herself more turned on than ever before? She knew it was far from an ideal situation, but there was something irresistible about the raw honesty of their feelings for one another.

“God, Patti,” Trent whispered into her ear, his voice heavy with desire. “I love you too. So much.”

His words sent shivers down her spine, and she couldn’t help but press herself closer to him, seeking out the warmth of his touch. Trent seemed to understand her need for contact, his fingers deftly working to undo the button on her pants.

“Please, Trent,” Patti panted, her eyes locked onto his. “I want you. I’m desperate for you.”

A slow smile spread across Trent’s face as he took in her flushed cheeks and the fire burning in her eyes. “It’s time, Patti,” he murmured, his fingers slipping beneath the waistband of her pants, teasing her with the promise of what was to come. “Babygirl, this is how we show each other our love.”

Patti’s mind raced with the possibilities, her body thrumming with anticipation. Part of her couldn’t believe that this was really happening, that she was on the verge of giving herself to this incredible man whom she had grown to love so deeply. But as Trent’s lips found hers once more, the doubts faded away, replaced by a simple, undeniable truth: they were meant to be together, and nothing would ever change that.

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