Page 5 of Healer Daddy

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“Don’t worry. I get it. It’s fun to tease.” Patti could feel her cheeks burning. There was no way she could admit to liking a man like Trent. No way.

“I was just getting my own back for the way everyone used to tease me about Duke.”

It was true. Duke and Anita’s mutual attraction had been an open secret at the ranch practically from the day that Anita had joined them. They were about as different as chalk and cheese, but somehow, they’d still ended up together, making the cutest couple imaginable.

Trent was busy talking to Chuck, who’d been waiting in line with his Little, Millie. As Patti approached, she overheard the two of them talking.

“It’s unacceptable,” Trent said, clear anger on his face. “This is the fourth time it’s happened and, frankly, I’ve had it up to here.”

“Want me to come take a look at it?” Chuck replied, stroking his bright silver beard.

“No. It’s the principle of the thing. I want Takis to fix it. He’s gonna be here later?” Trent glanced up at Patti, who was standing awkwardly nearby.

“Should be. Doesn’t normally miss dinner.”

Trent, though, was still looking at her. She had to tear her eyes away from his. His gaze had a burning intensity, his eyes were deep brown. All three of the North brothers were handsome, there was no denying that, but Trent was the only one that Patti found deeply, deeply sexy. Anita had been right. There had been times when they’d been close to each other, when—to her shame—she’d actually felt herself get wet. Down there. No-one else that she’d ever met had done that to her. Ever.

It was his natural dominance, she thought, as well as his intelligence and kindness to animals. Trent was the kind of man who knew exactly what he wanted from life, and exactly how to get it. It was ridiculously hot. Patti was the exact opposite. She didn’t know what she wanted from life, and had no idea how to go about finding out.

The problem with Trent was that he was such a grump. Plus, he wasn’t remotely interested in her. If Duke and Anita were like chalk and cheese, Trent and Patti were like... cats and vacuum cleaners. One sends the other into a fit of panic with just a slight hum, while the other continues on, oblivious to the terror it inspires.

“Patti?” Trent said, his low voice almost a growl. “You alright there?”

Patti froze for a moment, then, remembering herself, nodded. “Yes, Doctor Trent. C-can I talk to you when you have a moment?”

“Course.” He smiled, just for a moment. “Let’s eat together.”

She hoped that her smile didn’t look as insane as it felt.


Of all the Littles at the Ranch, Patti was Trent’s favorite.

She was smart, sweet, and clearly had a passion for animals. He had a definite soft spot for her. While they’d been working together during the ‘hamster incident,’ he’d gotten to respect and like her a lot.

In fact, he’d gotten to like her a littletoomuch.

There was the way she looked, of course. Her wild, creative style, and her soft, generous figure. Her eyes that smiled more brightly than any other eyes he’d ever seen. Her lips, full and expressive. He even loved her eyebrows. They were delicate and dark and perfectly framed her face. When he saw her, he thought of jazz, of expressionism, of muses that had inspired history’s great artists.

She was the Mona Lisa, the girl with the pearl earring, heck, she was Van Gogh’s fucking sunflower.

“I love beans,” she said, trying hard not to meet his eyes.

“Me too,” he said, trying not to smile.

Yep, don’t smile, Trent. She might realize you’re a human being.

Like most of the Littles at the ranch, it felt like Patti was a bit intimidated by Trent. That was the way he liked it. He enjoyed spending time with Littles and found their exuberance and love of life to be inspiring. But at the same time, Littles and attempting to conduct veterinary research didn’t mix so well.

And nothing, no matter how fun, would distract him from his work.

That’s why he hadn’t encouraged Patti to join him. He liked her so much that he practically fantasized about her. He had dreams about her body bending to his will. He wanted her so badly it was a physical ache. But he was scared that if he gave into that ache it would ruin everything for him. Just like last time.

He’d never let that happen again.

“Trent,” Patti said. “I need to ask a favor of you.”

“Sure,” he said. He was tentative, though. Didn’t want to give her the wrong impression.
