Page 16 of Volatile

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“The last thing you need is to invite that Courtney wannabe motherfucker back into your life.”

“I’m not inviting her back,” I said, knowing very well he was right.


“I don’t want to fucking hear it.” We all had our mistakes, and mine was in the form of a brunette that I called when I was lonely. There were way worse things I could be doing.

“I don’t care—you’re going to hear it. You made me listen to your bullshit about Lis when I went back. So you get to listen to mine about that cunt.” He grabbed my arm again, stopping me in the middle of the street. If it were any other time but two in the morning, some enraged motorist would have hit us.

I shoved him off. “You listened but did what you wanted to. I respected that.”

“That means you’re at least going to listen.” Rage shone in his eyes.

“Go ahead then.”

I had my phone out, seeing if she left her location on. When she wanted to punish me, she turned her location back on so I could see where she was. She wanted me to suffer with the information, and I checked more often than I should.

“Stop fucking texting and listen to me.”

“I’m not texting.” I didn’t need to. Lucy’s location was on, and she wasn’t far. She knew I was in town.

He grabbed for my phone, but I shoved it back into my pocket. “She’s going to kill you. She’s tried before. She seriously has some damn Courtney aspirations. And you won’t survive going back to her.”

“I thought the same thing about you and Lis. You two grew up. You’re different this time.”

“No, I got my head out of my ass and stopped fucking a million people. You and Lucy are totally different. She wants to kill you because she’s still mad at you for leaving her behind.” Kingsley wasn’t wrong.

Lucy could hold a grudge like it was no one’s business.

“She doesn’t want to kill me. Punish me, sure, but she wouldn’t kill me.” Maybe if we were married and she would get the rights to my publishing, but I wasn’t stupid enough to do that.

Not today anyway.

“I see what you’re thinking. She’d kill you and not get anything out of it just to have the bragging rights.”

I gave him a flat look. “She might be a vindictive narcissist, but she’s not a murderer.”

Kingsley stared at me. “I’m calling Royal.”

“Don’t you fucking dare. I’ve had enough of him tonight.” I locked my gaze to his, deadly serious.

He frowned, finally getting it. “What the fuck happened?”

“Nothing. Absolutely nothing. And I’m not fucking lying to you.” I was at the end of my rope, and I hated fighting with the two people I loved most. “I have no idea. He’s being weird, and I can’t deal with it, okay? So let me have this.”

“It’s not fair of you to put it to me to like that.” Kingsley cursed and turned his back on me. “And when you invite her on tour with us, and you can’t get rid of her after a week because you remember all the terrible shit she’s done? Stop thinking with your dick.”

Everything my brother said was fair. All of it was true, but I couldn’t deal with it tonight, and Lucy was one of those people I’d always miss, even if I knew she wasn’t good for me.

We all had a favorite drug we used to forget, and Lucy was mine.

I stepped around him, not wanting to fight tonight. “Don’t tell him where I am.”

“You motherfucker.” He jogged to catch up with me after a few moments.

“You don’t need to come with me. I don’t need a babysitter.”

Kingsley rolled his eyes. “I’m not going to go back in there without you to get yelled at by both Royal and Taylor.”
