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“So noted.” Ryan nods once with a solemn face, making us laugh.

“Well, now that it’s clear what you all think of Jax, wanna get back to the movie?”

“You’re just lucky Raven’s not here, or she’d know exactly what you’renotsaying about Jax.” Lanie taunts before adding, “But mark my words, I’m certain there’s something more going on with Sloane… but don’t worry, we’ll let you keep your secrets—for now.”

* * *

The next morning,when I come down for my much-needed dose of caffeine, I’m surprised to already find coffee brewed and Ryan sitting at the island, staring into his mug as if it has all the answers he’s looking for.

Not wanting to startle him, I offer a greeting as I approach. “Mornin’.”

“Hey, Sloane, you’re up early.”

“Couldn’t sleep, so I thought I’d get a jump on my day.” I shrug as I shuffle through the kitchen, heading straight for the cupboard with the mugs. The sun has barely made its appearance and usually, he has the kitchen to himself at this hour. He looked so lost in thought. I wonder what’s got him so pensive.

“Everything okay?” I ask once I’ve filled my cup and grab creamer from the fridge.

“Yeah… just thinking.” He lets out a slow breath.

“About?” I probe, knowing I won’t push things too far but wanting to lend an ear if he needs one.

Suddenly, he goes from sullen to perky. “Hey, you might just be the one to help.”

“I can try my best,” I offer, taking the stool beside him.

“Look, out of all the sisters, I know you’ll keep my secret if it means surprising Lanie.”

He’s got a point. Lizzy can’t keep secrets for shit, and Raven will spill the beans if she thinks it’s necessary. But there’s no sense in discussing it, so I cut to the chase, “Go on…”

“I’ve already talked with your dad, and I’ve had a ring that’s burning a hole in my pocket for the last month or so.”

Holy shit. This is huge. I knew things between my sister and Ryan were heading this way, but I didn’t know when it would happen. “Seriously, you talked to Dad? How did that go?”

Chuckling, Ryan shakes his head. “Better than expected. I’ve had a ring in my pocket since graduation, but nothing’s felt right, in terms of timing,” He frowns, making my heart sink for him. “I’d love to do something at Pop’s this next week as it’s the anniversary of our first date.”

Ryan is so perfect for Lanie.

“What did you have in mind?” I ask, hoping to get enough information to elicit decent advice for this situation.

“I don’t have a freaking clue. I’m thinking about taking her to dinner and maybe catching a performance while we’re at it. She’ll never expect it. Do you think I could talk Jax into playing Ed Sheeran’s, ‘Thinking Out Loud?’ It’s one of her favorites, and she’d never expect a proposal at the end.”

“We’ll never know unless we ask,” I point out, as my entire body wants to squeal with excitement for my sister, but I manage to stifle my emotions as I’d likely wake my sisters.

Lanie’s going to lose her shit. I know Ryan is it for her, but I don’t think she’s expecting him to take things to the next level so soon. She’s been adamant about finishing school and starting her career.

Ryan’s quiet, and I watch as he works out whatever is rolling around in his brain. Finally, he breaks the silence by clearing his throat. “The thing is, I know Jax but not that well. Do you think you could help me set something up?”

“Is that all you need from me?” Surely, there’s more.

Nodding, he grins impishly. “I’ve been rehearsing what I’ll say for weeks. But I could use his help to make it special. I know Lanie’s not big on being the center of attention, but I have to do this at Pop’s. After all—it’s where I scored my first date with her.”

Hearing someone move around from upstairs, I whisper, “You let me take care of Jax. He’s there twice a week for the summer, so just let me know when you need this to happen, and we’ll make it work.”

Hearing someone on the stairs, I quickly blurt out so only Ryan can hear, “Do you mind if I invite my sisters?”

Placing a hand on mine, he gives it a squeeze. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

I’m flying high as I work through the last of my set. Sloane’s been recording every song and even though I have yet to see any footage, I know deep in my heart, I’m on fire again tonight. Right before I went on, she asked if we could talk when I finish. Time was running short, so I didn’t get the details as to what she wants to talk about, and it’s driving me crazy wondering what it could be.
