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Tonight, I’ve mixed more of my own songs into the set. I started out nervous, especially when I’d throw in something the crowd had never heard. Thankfully, by the end, I find my groove and slay it. It feels freaking incredible. They’re practically eating out of my hands and don’t want me to stop.

The moment I hop off stage, Sloane’s there to greet me with excitement written all over that gorgeous face of hers. Opening her arms, I walk right into them as if I’ve been doing it for years, swooping her into a hug and spinning her around as she gushes, “You were amazing tonight, Jax. I swear you just keep getting better.”

Squeezing her tight, energy zings through me. I want this moment to last forever. Musical high, beautiful girl, and ohmigod—this woman smells amazing. I truly can’t get enough.

Reluctantly, my brain catches up with my body. Before things get awkward, I set her back on the floor. Once I’m sure she’s steady, I let go, and words gush out of my mouth. “Thanks. It felt like I was on fire tonight. Songs kept flowing, and the crowd just ate them up. I can’t believe how fast the set was. I swear I blinked, and it was over.”

Her beautiful laugh rings out above the noise of the crowd. “I can imagine.” Briefly, she looks toward her sister waiting on a couple a few tables down. Then she leans in close, almost conspiratorially, in a low voice so only I can hear, and asks, “Can I talk to you alone for a minute?” When she glances again in her sister’s direction, I can tell something’s up.

Without hesitation, I reach for her hand, pulling her away from the crowd and toward my truck where I can deposit my guitar and give her my full attention.

Once we’re out of earshot from everyone, I ask, “What’s up?”

For the briefest of moments, she glances back at the crowd, then her eyes cut to mine. “Look. I might as well be straight with you. I need a favor.”

What could she possibly want from me?

Then it dawns on me that she keeps looking back. “You keep looking over there like something’s wrong. Need me to take care of someone for you?”

“No. I just need a favor, and I don’t want my sister to hear.”

“What kind of favor?” I draw out, as I watch her glance back at the crowd once more. Sloane’s normally quite serious and to the point. What has her acting this way?

“Well, the favor’s not really for me. It’s for Ryan.”

“Why isn’t Ryan asking this for himself?” I wonder. He and I weren’t super close, but it’s a small town, and we all get along.

“I told him I’d take care of this for him, so it could stay a surprise. You see, he wants to propose to Lanie.” Again, she glances over her shoulder at her sister.

“Good for him. What does this have to do with me?”

“I told you he and Lanie met last summer. Well, it was one year ago next week that he walked into that very bar while she was working. After he ate, he convinced her to go on their first date. He’d love to propose at Pop’s as it’s a special place for them.”

Utterly confused, I ask, “Where do I fit in? Why does he need a favor from me, specifically?”

“It’s simple. He wants to propose during one of the songs they first heard you play at open mic.”

Well, this is flattering. “Which one?”

“Lanie’s favorite artist is Ed Sheeran. Could you play ‘Thinking Out Loud’ at your set next week, so he can propose during it?”

Chuckling, I shake my head. “You sure have a big buildup for a simple request. Of course, I’ll play the song. Just let me know when he’s ready. Anything else?”

“No, Ryan’s got everything covered. Though I do need to figure out how to get my sisters here without clueing Lanie in.”

I can see the wheels spinning in that beautiful brain of hers. I wonder if she ever takes a break. This prompts me to quickly change the subject. “Speaking of planning, what have you done for yourself since I walked you home?”

“Uh, does sleep count?”

“Not really the point.” I chuckle. Damn, this girl needs help if that’s all she does for herself. “What are your plans tomorrow afternoon?”

The way she rolls her eyes to the sky, I’m sure she’s mentally going through her never-ending to-do list. “I’m not sure. Why?”

“Can you spare a few hours from that crazy schedule of yours?”

It’s adorable how her lips purse, and she squints, scrutinizing my every movement. Like I’d give my thoughts away so easily.

Nope. I can play this game all day, Sloane.
