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Their energy flows through me, and I take things up a notch. Leaving my entire heart on the line, I slide through the third verse with ease. By the time I hit the last note, I know I’ve given it my all. The feedback from the room is deafening, and it takes a while for them to settle down. I take this time to risk glancing at my family. Emily is on her feet screaming while my parents remain seated. Mom’s blotting her eyes with a napkin, while Dad’s nodding at me. Even though he doesn’t say a word, his message is clear.I knew you could do this. I’m so proud of you.

As the crowd settles, I make eye contact with Ryan, lifting only a brow to see if he’s ready. When he gives me a slow nod as he wraps his arm around Lanie, I take my cue and lean into the mic.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve got a special request tonight. I hope you all enjoy my version of “Thinking Out Loud,” originally by Ed Sheeran.”

As if on cue, Lanie squeals and drags Ryan the few feet to the dance floor.

She has no idea just how memorable this song will be.

Lanie couldn’t play more into Ryan’s plan if she tried. I’ve already had my camera rolling because Jax killed that last song. I was almost in tears when I scanned the room and got a shot of his parents’ reaction to his performance. The love they have for their son can be felt bone deep.

My view from this angle captures both Jax on stage and my sister dancing. Ryan must know I’m recording, or a miracle is happening in this moment because I’m able to capture him clearly singing the words directly to Lanie. He doesn’t just sway to the music like most are around them. No, he’s leading Lanie around the dance floor like a boss. He never breaks eye contact with her as he sings about how he’s found love and no matter how old they get, he’ll always love her.

When the musical solo hits, he spins Lanie out and twirls her around, pulling her back in time for the words to return, so he can sing into her ear. For the remainder of the song, he holds her close, never letting go. Even from here, their love is tangible and felt throughout every inch of my body.

I could only hope to find a love like that.

Goose bumps spread down my spine in anticipation, as the song comes to an end. I risk glancing away to ensure Raven and Lizzy are watching this, too. Once I have their attention, I point to Lanie and silently demand, “Watch.”

When Jax finishes the song, the room bursts into applause. But Jax motions for them to quiet down and slowly the noise lowers as people look around, wondering what’s happening. Ryan and Lanie are none the wiser as Jax gives the universalshhhsign, by placing his finger over his mouth and points to the adorable couple deep in conversation.

Since I’m not too far away, I’m able to hear Ryan clearly. “Lanie, one year ago this week, I barged into your life. I know your initial thought was that theTexas Chainsaw Massacrewere attacking you…” Laughter erupts from around them, and Jax steps closer with the mic, keeping the couple completely unaware of his presence, yet suddenly, we’re able to hear once again.

“I never had the privilege of meeting Jane Lancaster, but she set things in motion that somehow brought me to you.” Just the mention of Nana’s name has my heart clenching as tears sting my eyes. Blinking a few times, I notice Lanie’s doing the same.

“Within a few weeks, I knew without a doubt, you were it for me. Between your smile, heart, and drive for living, I fell for you more each day. This last year together at school has only solidified my feelings for you. You get every part of me. You challenge me to be the best version of myself, and you have the most beautiful heart. Like the song Jax just performed, I know without a doubt, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to love you until we’re way past seventy and beyond.”

My heart squeezes tight as Lanie’s hands fly to her mouth, knowing what’s next.

Ryan drops to one knee and pulls out a small dark box from his pocket. His strong voice never wavers as he looks adoringly into her eyes. As he lifts the box toward her, it opens. “Melanie Lancaster, if I promise to fall more in love with you each day, will you marry me?”

I watch through watery eyes as my sister nods profusely. Then she throws herself into his arms as she squeals, “Yes. Ohmigod…Yes… Ryan… I love you so much.”

Her lips crash onto his, and Ryan kisses her as if they’re the only two in the room.

The place roars with hoots and hollers as Jax confirms, “She said yes! I’d love to be the first to congratulate this beautiful couple. I wish you a lifetime of love and happiness!”

Once again, the room roars with celebratory cheers, and happiness spreads everywhere.

As if he’s suddenly aware everyone in the room is watching, Ryan quickly pulls Lanie to her feet. Wrapping his long arms around her, he lifts her with ease and swings her around in a circle, making her squeal with delight. Eventually, his spinning slows, and he sets her on her feet. I can’t hear what is said as the crowd’s absolutely going wild. But my heart melts when he runs a hand under her chin to make eye contact before sweetly kissing her.

With the box still in his hand, he pulls out the ring and slips it on her finger.

Unable to contain my excitement, I barrel over to congratulate them. My sisters must feel the same because the next thing I know, we’re piling in a group hug, squeezing the hell out of one another.

When we pull apart, Raven looks to me pointedly. “Did you know about this?” She doesn’t wait for an answer; she simply shakes her head as she mumbles, “Oh, why am I asking… of course you knew. You probably set this whole thing up, didn’t you?”

Ryan clears his throat. “I’ll have you know I actually came up with the idea—though Sloane did help in getting Jax involved.”

“It was beautiful, Ryan,” Lizzy says as she reaches to give him a side hug. “I couldn’t be happier to call you my brother.”

Reaching in, I wrap my sister in a hug. “I’m so happy for you, Lanie.”

When we pull apart, she bops me on the nose. “Just how long did you know about this?”

“Awhile,” I admit. “But your future husband can keep a secret. He didn’t let me in on it until he needed help, and then he swore me to secrecy. I wasn’t even allowed to tell Raven.”

“Oh…That must’ve been hard,” she teases. She and I both know I am the keeper of secrets in our household, even from my other half as much as it pains me.
