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My family is so excited, even my dad jumps up and down with excitement when they greet me. Unfortunately, I’m pulled away by one of execs from the record label, so we don’t get to celebrate long. Randy works specifically with my genre and tells me he can’t wait to hear more of what I’ve got. I do my best to concentrate, but I probably only comprehend half of our conversation.

By the time I find Sloane, she’s taking pictures with the members of Edgewater. Trent and their drummer have their arms around her, as the rest of the band files in around them. A cameraman is going crazy taking photos as the group hoots and hollers with excitement. Sloane’s never looked more beautiful.

The moment Sloane’s eyes meet mine, her eyes light up, and she quickly excuses herself.

“I was wondering when I’d catch up with you,” she says as I pull her into my arms for the embrace I’ve been desperately craving since this chaos began. “I’m so freaking happy for you.” She smiles.

“Thank you for pushing me… for believing in me,” I whisper into her ear as I squeeze her tighter. When I set her down, I exclaim, “Can you believe it? I fucking made it to the top five! I’m going on tour!”

Sloane’s hazel eyes sparkle as she reaches for my hand. “I knew you had what it takes. You just had to believe it for yourself.”

Sloane’s boss, Tara, interrupts us, as she gushes from across the room, “There you are, Sloane! I’ve been looking for you everywhere!”

Laughing, Sloane looks around and points out, “I’ve been right here. What’s going on? Do you need something?”

“I’ve come to tell you the news myself!” Tara practically shouts in excitement.

Sloane clearly has no idea what Tara’s so excited about, so she asks, “What news?”

“We were going to wait until the end of the festival to announce this because we wanted to be sure. But after talking with the other execs at the label, we all agree it should be now.”

When Tara pauses for dramatic effect, Sloane clarifies, “What are you talking about?”

Reaching out her hand, Tara pats Sloane’s arm. “Sloane, given the fact you’ve managed to wrangle not one, but two incredibly talented acts into this competition—who were nobodies before the festival,I might add—into the top five contestants. We want to officially make you the regional talent coordinator at Smashing Waves Records. You’ll no longer be an intern, just filling in. You’re getting a seat at the table in the exec board room.”

Covering her mouth in shock, Sloane shouts, “Ohmigod, are you serious?”

Nodding profusely, Tara adds, “Yep. You’re getting a promotion—that includes a huge raise compared to intern wages. This will also mean you’ll be joining these acts on tour to scout for local talent while they’re between performances.”

Looking to me, Sloane gushes in disbelief. “Can you believe it? This is fantastic!”

Looking around at us guys, Tara fans herself. Then she looks back to Sloane. “Sloane, you’ve done a great job helping organize this event. I’m not sure what you’re doing to find all these swoon-worthy acts.” She looks to the guys around the room, then adds, “But keep doing it. Keep using your power of persuasion to get us more extremely talented, yet unknown acts like this to sign with the label. I know you’ll do whatever it takes to make them shine—just like you have with these guys! They are living proof of your success!”

“Oh my gosh. This is incredible. But they’re the real talent. Without them, I’d have nothing to promote.”

Tara looks to her pointedly. “Honey, don’t sell yourself short. You found both of these acts on your own. Neither of them had ever thought of performing at this level, and you worked your magic to make it happen. You knew what was riding on this summer internship, and you worked your ass off. You deserve this. I see great things ahead for you at Smashing Records, Sloane. Congratulations!”

As much as I’m excited for Sloane, there’s something about the way Tara said that last part that rubs me the wrong way. My stomach rolls, as I consider her words once again.

Sloane knew a huge promotion was riding on this.

She knew if we performed well, she’d have a better chance of getting it.

I never would have taken a chance at this competition if she hadn’t persuaded me.

Then there’s that comment Trent made earlier. “Our girl did it! She got us to the next level. Hot damn, we’re going on tour!”

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

What kind of persuasion did she use with the guys in Edgewater?

Tara said it herself. Sloane was persuasive, and none of us would apparently be here without her.

Is Sloane justmygirl?

As I look around the group, I see Trent step closer to her and place an arm over her shoulder.

“Congratulations, babe. We couldn’t be prouder of you.”
