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Holy. Fucking. Shit.

Sloane used me.

After Tara made the announcement, I was pulled away from the group to talk with Jason, the guy I’ll be working with to coordinate finding talent while on tour. We didn’t talk long, just set up a time to meet later this week before he heads back to LA.

When I return, Jax is nowhere to be found.

Pulling out my phone, I shoot off a text.

Me: Where are you?

Jax: At home. Too tired to talk.

Well, I’m sure he’s wiped out. Today was nerve wracking for everyone. But I was hoping he’d still be amped up after that killer performance and want to celebrate both our success tonight.

Sighing, I start to type….

Me: Come celebrate with me.

But I think better of it and go with this instead.

Me: Okay. Get some rest.

Something feels off with Jax, but I can’t imagine what it would be. I’ve seen him survive off literally two hours of sleep all day if it meant spending just a little time together. He’s always so pumped up after playing, he usually can’t sleep for hours. His sudden disappearance doesn’t make sense.

Today, I’ve been at work since nine. I’m helping with some of the signed artists the label has performing this afternoon. With the festival in full swing, there’s no rest in sight for me.

Of course I brought my laptop, so I can make some promo for the finale. I know many others can do it, but I want to hype up Jax and Edgewater, since I’ve been doing it from the beginning. Their fans will be so proud of both of their performances.

Once the festival is over, Tara wants to talk specifics about my new job. One thing I need to disclose is my relationship with Jax. There was nothing against it as an intern, but I want to keep her privy with it going forward.

With only a few weeks until the tour officially begins, there’s so much to do. I’m not sure how I’ll feel riding on a bus around the country. I’ve never wanted that for myself, but if it means I get to spend more time with Jax, I’ll consider it a win. Tara did say something about hotels, but we’ll work out those details later, I’m sure.

With another show about to start, I realize I haven’t heard from Jax all day. That’s unusual. Even when he’s worked a double at the restaurant, he’d always find time to at least text me and check in.

Maybe he thinks I’m too busy?

Needing to hear from him, I pull out my phone and send a quick text.

Me: Thinking of you.

The message goes from received to read. The dots start moving around, indicating he’s responding, but disappear. I wait a few minutes, trying to busy myself with work, but my mind keeps going to Jax.

This is so unlike him.

He always texts back.

An hour goes by and still no answer. What the hell is going on?

I would call, but with the noise, I’d never hear him. It’s driving me nuts. Something is clearly wrong. Jax has never gone radio silent for an entire day. If I weren’t committed to being here all night, I’d drive my ass over to his house and demand answers.

By the time I get home, it’s late. My nerves are on edge. Jax has gone an entire day without responding. I’ve already changed into my pajamas, and I’m sitting on the couch, staring at my phone for God only knows how long when Raven walks in from her night out with friends.

One look and she’s crossing the room.

“Uh-oh. What’s going on and who do I need to take care of?”

