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But holding her…fuck…I had no idea what that was going to do to me. She raises her bound wrists and my dick gets hard. I can’t let her think I’m a complete pervert.

I throw her over my shoulder, kicking and screaming, and carry her back to the car. I set her gently in the passenger seat, buckle her in, and she’s still cursing.

“I promise, I’m taking you somewhere safe.” I can’t be sure that her father doesn’t have listening devices in the car so I can’t reveal anything yet. The tracker won’t be a problem since Nikolai and I have a car stashed not too far away.

Glancing up the road, there’s no sign of anyone coming after us yet. My last text to her father was that I had her and she was fine. That will only buy me a short amount of time before he sends someone, probably Igor, to see why we haven’t moved.

My dramatic phone throw over the side of the cliff was not my best move. Her phone is in the dirt. I leave it and speed away to the getaway car, ditch this sweet ride, then take Lilia the rest of the way to the secret cabin.

We drive in silence, presumably both worried about listening devices. I help Lilia from one car to the other and don’t say a word until we’re safely back on the road. The rear-view mirror gives me assurance that we’ve evaded any captors.

“I texted your father and let him know that I was taking you somewhere safe.”

“You mentioned that, but this hardly feels safe.” She jerks her hands up and yanks the chain on the cuffs, making it clink extra hard.

“I told him that word had gotten out you were the Lazovski kidnapper and I needed to keep you out of the public eye.”

“So what are we really doing? We both know that’s a lie.”

“Is it?” I test her. Will she give me anything to go on?

“I don’t know your history, but you’re not like the others. You’ve obviously impressed my father but you’ve also defied him. You’re as good as fired, despite your noble effort to keep me safe.”

“I’m not worried about that.”

“Then what’s your game plan? Because firing can mean a lot of different things to him.”

“I’m aware.” I flex my fingers on the steering wheel. “How much do you hate your father?”

“What kind of question is that?”

“It’s the kind of question that needs an extremely clear answer.”

“Other than picking the colors of my bedroom and insisting on weekly salon appointments, I don’t get to make any of my own decisions. I don’t get to hang out with friends. He’s always in my business. No privacy. Yeah. I pretty much hate him.”

She throws her bound hands upward. “Don’t even say that’s normal teenager stuff. He hires bodyguards to watch and handcuff me.”

Treading lightly will be important. I let her sit with her statement.

She takes the bait and continues, “When I was little, I wanted to run the Bratva and be the Pakhan. I saw the adult women, my mom, my aunt, my grandma, going about their business. It wasn’t until I got older that I realized their business was dictated to them. They didn’t do anything aside from cooking, cleaning, and raising kids. I need more than that.”

“He’ll never give you more.”

“I know. That’s why I ran. Plus, I don’t see why they have to do all these crimes to make money. There are plenty of legitimate ways to make money, and yet look at the irony that to prove myself I jumped right into crime.”

I chuckle that she is so self-aware. More of her charm. Her gaze weighs on me while I drive.

She says, “Crime’s really not that hard. I want a bigger challenge.”

“So would you…” Fuck, I can’t believe I’m already going out a limb. “What if you could take men like him down?”

“What do you mean?”

“Send them to prison. Make them pay for their crimes.”

“Send my father to prison?” She faces the trees as we drive through the thick, evergreen forest.

As if speaking to the trees she says, “What exactly are you proposing?”
