Page 64 of Burned

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“Rhett, wait!” I run after him, grabbing his arm just as he makes it out the doors.

“No, Poppy. You are nothin’ but a city girl who’s come here for a summer vacation.” His words are spat out with so much anger my throat closes up. “You don’t have to pretend you’re here for more than that anymore. But youdefinitelydon’t get to break my kids’ hearts in the process. I’ll be happy to see you go at the end of your contract.”

“You’re a bad liar, Rhett Black,” I choke out. “You don’t get to pretend you don’t feel this. And you definitely don’t get to dismiss the love I have for your kids.” I press my finger into his chest, speaking low so only he can hear. “The only reason you’d be happy to watch me go is so you can ogle my ass on the way out.”

Such a stupid thing to say, and petty, bringing this whole thing between us down to sex when it’s not. It’s so much more than that. But anger has eliminated the filter between my brain and my mouth.

“Go home, Poppy.” He grits it out between his teeth like he can’t bear to actually say it.

“Talk to me.”

“No. Go home. I’ve seen enough.”

“You’ve seen nothing! You saw a huge misunderstanding. Ethan—”

“Poppy,” he growls, his entire body flexing into hard muscle. A vein pops in his neck, and his fists clench as he looms over me. All of his handsome features are transformed by anger and hurt.

“Rhett.” I choke out his name like a sob. I reach out, but he pulls away.

“Go. Home.”

He walks away but turns back after a few steps. Hope soars in my chest. Maybe he’s going to hear me out, give me a chance to explain.

“And take my fuckin’ hat off.”

“What the hell was happening there?”Ethan’s voice creeps over me like big angry vines.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I spin around, grabbing his arm, and yank him out of the view of everyone else. Because everyone is staring, thanks to Rhett’s tantrum.

“I came to surprise you. I know when you left, you said you didn’t want anything long-distance, but I figured it’s been over a month now…you must be getting bored…?” He trails off when he sees just how angry I am. I can feel it vibrating off me.

“You had no right, Ethan. We broke up. We are not together. You don’t get to just show up and act like you’re here to take me ‘home.’” I use little finger quotes on the word “home” because it’s not home for me anymore.

This is home for me. Rhett is my home.

“Okay, you’re overreacting.” He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms across his chest. “How was I supposed to know you’d already jumped into bed with someone else?”

“Excuse me?” I almost shout. “One, you wouldn’t know what I was doing here because we are broken up. There is a reason I have not spoken to you since I left. Fuck, you’re delusional. And second, what I do in my life now is none of your fucking business. I don’t owe you any explanations of what I choose to do with my time.”

“Jesus Christ, Poppy.” His face turns disgusted. “Since when did you become such a bitch? Are your daddy issues rooted so deep that you decided to fuck one?”

“Alright, bud. Probably time for you to go,” Wells says, walking up next to us while I just gape at Ethan. Did hereallyjust say that? To my face? Wells places a friendly hand on my shoulder, and River hovers at the barn doors, probably wondering what the fuck she walked into today.

“It is,” I agree. “Go home. Do not contact me. Do not think about me. Keep my name out of your fucking mouth.”

Am I being a little harsh? Maybe. I can’t decide if my response is fully warranted or not, but I also don’t really care. I’m so angry over what he’s done to my relationship with Rhett that it’s blinding me to everything else.

“Happily,” Ethan states. “Have fun fucking the old man. I’m sure his stamina is top-notch.” Sarcasm just drips from his fucking tone.

What is it about men that makes them so petty and gross when their pride is hurt?

I feel Wells tense next to me like he’s gonna knock Ethan out flat. But I beat him to it. He doesn’t even see it coming, probably because I’ve never had a penchant for violence before. But you just don’t fuck with the people I love.

My fist connects with his cheekbone and nose, sending pain rippling up my forearm and into my elbow. But the look on Ethan’s face is so worth it because he just looks so dumbfounded as he stands there with a bloody nose. God, I hope I hit him hard enough to give him a black eye. I wonder how he’ll explain that one to his friends back home?

“Cunt.” He spits at my feet, narrowly missing my new cowgirl boots.

“And you’re done.” Wells shoves him in the direction of where all the cars are parked. “Say another word and I will put you in the fuckin’ hospital.”

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