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“Good,” Enzo sighed. “Thank you, Arman. I really appreciate you stopping by.”

“No trouble at all.” Armando turned his attention back to me. “It was nice to meet you. I’m sorry it was under such unpleasant circumstances, but you’re going to be just fine.”

“Thank you so much, doctor.”

“My pleasure.” He nodded to Enzo before stepping out of the room.

Enzo perched himself on the edge of the bed and gently took my hand. “Are you sure you’re alright?”

“Sore and a bit shaken up but I’m okay.” A realization hit me, and my brow knitted together.

“What is it? What’s wrong?”

“Someone tried to kill you.”

“I know.” Enzo scowled. “I need to call Teo.”

“You haven’t called him yet?”

“Just long enough to give him the gist of the situation. I just needed to make sure you were okay first.”

“How long was I out?”

“Nearly half an hour.”

“Well, I’m fine. Go, call Teo.”

Enzo nodded. “And I’ll call the party planner to reschedule while I’m at it.”

“Oh no. I totally forgot. I’m sorry…”

“Sorry? For being attacked?” He let out a dry laugh. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of it. And I’ll bring you some tea when I come back.”

I forced a reassuring smile and nodded before he left the room. Once I was sure that he was far enough away that he wouldn’t hear me, I cried.

Chapter 15


Aurora and I managed to meet with the party planner a week after our original appointment. Elana warned me that expediting the plans to still make our selected date would be pricy, but it was well worth it to give Aurora time to heal after the attack.

While I hadn’t lost sight of what was at stake, I also felt responsible for what had happened to Aurora, all because some crazy shooter showed up looking for me and found her instead.

Aurora felt better but I still needed to do something to assuage my guilt. I wanted her to have some fun because from what I’d learned about her struggles with her parents, dropping out of school, and working a bunch of dead-end jobs, I got the feeling that she didn’t get to enjoy herself often.

I promised myself that when we weren’t having to put on a show for Ludovic or the press, that I would do what I could to help her have some fun experiences. Starting with scuba diving in Sicily. With only one weekend before our engagement party, I didn’t want it to go to waste. I told myself that being seen out and about with my new fiancée was a good political move, but in truth, there were a lot of better and easier things that we could have done to get more press. The trip to Sicily was for Aurora, a bonus of sorts, for putting up with all the craziness.

She looked at me excitedly from her seat on the plane and flashed me those gorgeous puppy-dog eyes. “Are you still not going to tell me where we are going?”

“Nope.” I smirked at her. “You really aren’t good with surprises, are you?”

“Let’s just say that most of my surprises weren’t good things.”

“Well, this is good. I promise.”

During one of our lazy evenings, on the couch watching movies while Aurora was recuperating, I’d struck up a conversation about bucket lists. When I found out that Aurora didn’t have one, I helped her write one on the spot. At the top of her list was scuba diving, so I was confident that she was going to love scuba diving near an old shipwreck.

After the attack at the apartment, I wanted to make sure that the trip would be safe. Matteo’s father, Piero, had recently befriended the most powerful don in Sicily, going as far as to set up Matteo’s sister with the don’s only son, so I felt that it would be a safe place to travel.
