Page 28 of Diablo

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He puts the car in park and glances around. “You stick near me. Don’t run off.”

I don’t promise anything. There may come a serious need to split from him at some point on my stroll through the health aisle. Maybe while he’s preoccupied with food. He tends to ponder over meats for far too long. I don’t know what he looks for but meat is meat.


We walk side by side into the small mercantile and his hand slips into mine. My eyes swivel down to it, my hand completely engulfed in his.

“What’s this for?” I ask, my eyes taking in the sight of our bodies connected.

“To make sure you don’t run.”

I allow it, for just a few minutes. I do not relish in the fact that his palm is slightly calloused and scrapes against mine. It’s very manly…too masculine. It’s not attractive at all.

He grabs a basket and we move down the aisles, his hand only leaving mine when he needs to grab something. I do not itch for him to return it. I hope it falls off so he never holds my hand again.

When he does finally return his hand to mine, I exhale slowly. It’s frustration at being leashed like a dog. That’s totally it. Do not chain me or I will riot.

And yet, for some reason, I hold on tighter.

“Grab that head of lettuce,” Skylar says as we move around the produce aisle. Why on God’s green Earth there are so many vegetables here, I will never know. No one wants this shit. It should all go in the dumpster.


“The lettuce. Grab me one.”

I reach over and take hold of a single green bean instead.

“Here you go.”

His eyes narrow and his jaw works, and I love that he’s nearing the end of his rope. My cock has been hard the entire time we’ve been strolling down every aisle. I enjoy watching him move, watching him get so damn angry. I’m getting off on it, on pushing his buttons. Hopefully one is radioactive and when I push it, he explodes.

It’s only when we reach the register and the old man behind the counter asks the obligatory, “How are you?” that I declare, “I’ve been kidnapped. Help. Help. Call 911!”

My voice is high-pitched and slightly exaggerated, but the man behind the counter still looks shocked.

“Help. Help me.” I even squeeze out a tear.

I am apparently an amazing actor.

Wordlessly, Skylar drags me into the bathroom and shoves me up against the bathroom wall.

“We better leave, the cops will be here soon,” I wheeze, my cock now leaking profusely. I swear I need to change my underwear. I changed my mind, this is a real emergency! I need new panties!

Skylar rolls his eyes, his body dwarfing mine, and I tremble, letting out a full-body shudder when his thigh presses against my groin.

“You have been a pain in the ass all fucking day.”

“Pfft. I like how you’re surprised.”

His hand slides through my unruly hair as his other hand slides down to my hard and eager cock. He strokes it roughly and my hips shift up voluntarily.

“I need to find a way to tame you.”

“That’s not a thing. I’m wild. I’m feral.”

His fingers easily slip down inside the pair of athletic shorts I stole from him this morning and touch my bare cock.

Without another word, his hand starts stroking me, making my eyes cross, making my lips part in soundless moans.
