Page 39 of Diablo

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“What are you doing?”

“Getting comfortable. You think you can get rid of me so easily. But I won’t be bossed around. I make my own decisions.”

“So you’re sleeping here tonight?”

He doesn’t answer, just closes his eyes and pulls the blanket up over his shoulders.


Is he serious?

“You’re fucking with me.”

“Nope,” he says and then turns his back to me and fluffs the pillow again. I stare at his shoulders, the thrum of his pulse in his neck. My arm itches to reach out and pull his body into mine, but I don’t. I can’t.

Instead, I fold them over my chest and stare at the ceiling.

When Diablo’s arm ends up draped across my chest and his leg around mine, I realize he isn’t leaving anytime soon. And I also realize that perhaps this is best anyways. I’m his bodyguard. If he sleeps with me, I can keep him safe.

I peer over at the gun sitting on the nightstand and close my eyes.

Yeah, this is for the best. I can keep him safe when he’s this close. My dick might like this a little too much, but it’s just lust. Nothing more.

He’s still a client.

A hot one, but a client nonetheless.



My eyes are peeled open to the sound of my phone ringing, an ugly obnoxious sound guaranteed to wake me every single time. It takes me a moment to realize where I am as the room comes into focus.

“Fuck,” I moan as I reach over for the phone on the bedside table. I feel Diablo against me, my leg pressing him into the mattress. Sometime in the middle of the night he slid away from me and I followed, gravitating toward the little shit like a magnet. I need to figure out a way to nip this little attraction in the bud. I’m not staying with Diablo forever. This isn’t a permanent job. After this, there’s a chance I’ll be somewhere far, far away.

I don’t have time to pine over and worry about Diablo.

I know this and yet my leg remains right where it is, my eyes traveling over his waking form nevertheless.

The phone rings again, and I flip it open, placing it to my ear.


“Is he safe?” Anthony asks, his voice deep and raspy. It commands a kind of presence that not many people can manage. I’m not lying when I say that he frightens me.


“Good. That’s good.” I can hear the relief in his voice, even though he snuffs it out quickly. He reminds me so much of Diablo in this moment. Pretending like they don’t care, when in actuality, they may care too much. If only everyone could have the privilege of being loved so much that another would literally kill for them.

“My concern is that my men lost track of Elio. He managed to evade us. Should I send out more guards to watch over him or can you manage?”

I debate it for a moment. I’m not sure more guards would be preferable. They might draw attention to this little house in the middle of the desert.

“Only you know about this safe house, correct?”


I know he’s paranoid, not even trusting the men in his employ for discretion. It’s easy to pay for information. Even those most loyal can be swayed.
