Page 47 of Diablo

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“Go away,” I tell him because if he starts smelling like syrup I am going lather him in butter and lick him.

He mutters something under his breath as he moves past me, disappearing down the ladder a moment later. And I’m left up here all alone, staring around the vast expanse and feeling like I can breathe for the first time in hours. Maybe I can move my bed up here and sleep far away from him. Maybe if I don’t have to see him I can find my center again and be myself once more.

Turning around in a circle, I take in the space around me. It’s not very big, but there are a few boxes strewn about that I rummage through. I don’t find anything of interest. They’re just left over from previous owners and some things that my father was too lazy to throw out.

“Fuck me. I can’t stay up here forever,” I think as I wander around. Why is this stuff so squishy and why is it pink…?

I suddenly crash down, my feet falling through the ceiling. “Oh shit,” I mutter, kicking my dangling legs out and holding on to some wooden crossbeams near my arms. Trying to right myself only makes me fall even further. Damn my skinny upper body. I should at least be able to pull myself up.

But alas, I cannot. I just dangle. Like a grape on a branch.

“Diablo!” Skylar shouts, his thundering footsteps moving up the ladder. I’m halfway through the ceiling now, hanging pathetically, my body encased in the puffy, pink stuff all around me. “What the fuck! What are you doing falling through ceilings!”

“I didn’t know you couldn’t walk on it! It looks like cotton candy!”

Skylar lets out a loud laugh, his guffaw traveling around the hollow space and hitting me somewhere between the ribs. Fuck, that’s a nice sound. Never heard it before, but I like it.

“Stop laughing, you asshole!” I cry out and then muffle a small giggle at the predicament I’m in. “Come help me! I could fall to my death. Then what would my father do?”

He shakes his head as he moves toward me, walking carefully on the wooden slats. “Shit, you managed to go through the ceiling in my room. You fucker. If I didn’t realize you didn’t know better, I’d have thought you did this on purpose.”

“Well,” I huff and kick my legs out, not doing anything but dislodging more of the ceiling onto the ground below. “If I’d known about this, I would have done it sooner.”

He smiles broadly, showing me that white, straight smile. I hate it, all perfect and shiny. He has no possible excuse for being so handsome.

“Come here,” he says as he reaches down to pull me up. He succeeds for a few seconds before his balance is thrown off and he falls, his elbow punching through the plaster beneath him.

“For fuck’s sake!” he roars, and I nearly fart from laughing so hard.

“God, you suck. What are those big muscles for if you can’t even lift me?” My words make his lips turn down and his eyes shoot daggers at me. If he could murder me right now, he would. But his arm is halfway through the ceiling too, leaving us both at a disadvantage.

“Can’t spank me now, can you?” I tease.

“Shut up, or I’ll leave you there overnight.”

“You wouldn’t dare. You’re too scared of my dad.”

“It hasn’t stopped me yet. Try me.”

I want to, I really fucking do, but I refrain. I have a feeling he would leave me up here to teach me a lesson, and I’m already starting to itch.

My eyes swivel to Skylar who is grunting, pulling himself up onto the wooden slats once more. Then he leans forward for me, pulling me up and onto his lap, and rescuing me from assured death.

“Well, you managed to do it that time,” I say, scratching at my arms. “But I’m all itchy.”

“It’s the insulation. You need another shower.”

“Ugh, so many showers.”

“Heaven forbid,” Skylar snarks as he lets me go and inches backward toward solid ground. I do the same, until we are both standing near the ladder.

A sigh escapes me and I brush at my exposed arms and feet before resigning myself to the fact that, yes, I do need another shower.

“Come on. Before it gets worse.”

Silently, we walk down the ladder and into the bathroom where we strip and take turns in the shower. I’m glad he didn’t come in with me this time. Really glad. It’s too small with his big body in it, with those big hands and that big head.

I am much more efficient by myself.
