Page 56 of Diablo

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“Yeah me either, but I was going stir-crazy. Which you must be too. How’s Skylar treating you?”

“He’s the worst. And now I have Casey too. Two big, lumbering idiots.”

As if conjuring them up, I hear the two of them laugh loudly in the other room. Skylar has laughed all of once with me. I know because I remember it vividly. And here comes the comedian, Casey, making Skylar too damn happy.

“Oh…the blond one? He’s dreamy,” Angel says and my mood plummets. “Like a young Matthew McConaughey.”

“Yeah he is, but I don’t want to talk about them. They’re boring.”

Angel’s voice lowers and he says softly, “Are you sure you’re okay? You don’t sound okay.”

“I’m fine,” I lie and then pluck a few more feathers from the pillow and flick them onto the ground. “I’m just bored and ready to go home. I don’t like being stuck out here just waiting.”

“You never were very patient.”

“No, I’m not.”

A knock on the door startles me and a second later, it swings open, revealing Skylar on the other side. The light behind him barely filters through because he takes up so much damn space. It’s ridiculous how big he is.

“Ugh, you know who’s here to make me hang up.”

“Oh. Okay, well, call back tomorrow. I love you.”

I can’t bring myself to say the words back, but I just whisper that I miss him and hang up the phone, tossing it at Skylar when I’m done.

He catches it expertly and tucks it into his pocket, lingering a little too long in the doorway.

“What do you want?” I ask, turning my head and glowering at him. “Your best friend is waiting for you in the other room. Better not leave him hanging.”

“He’s a colleague,” he says, and I roll my eyes to the ceiling.

“Don’t care, just go away. I don’t need you.”

Skylar hesitates for a moment before slowly backing away, closing the door softly as he does. I wish he’d slam it, wish he’d cause some kind of destruction, but he won’t. He’s back to being a professional. Well, good for him. Casey and Skylar can be professionals together.

Maybe they were unprofessional together at times too.

Oh fuck.

I stand up and move to the other side of the room, wiggling the window slightly, trying to open it, but it doesn’t budge, not that I expected anything else. My father wouldn’t put me in a place that has shoddy windows and doors. I’m sure these are bulletproof.

My head falls to the cool windowpane, and I exhale, my breath fogging up the glass. Well, I can’t keep moping. That’s not what I do. I need to delve deep inside my psyche and find a way to show him that I don’t care, that none of this matters. He and Casey can laugh all fucking night long for all I care. They can fuck, and I’ll be happy for them.

My stomach roils at the thought, and I press a hand to my mouth, wiping at it furiously.

Okay, maybe not fucking. I don’t really want that. I just don’t want to hear it, is all.

Another loud laugh echoes down the hallway, and I frown. If Elio didn’t know we were here, he does now. They’re both so fucking loud.

I obviously need to get between them to quiet them down.

Hm, that’s exactly what I’ll do.

With squared shoulders, I stroll out of my room and toward the couch where they’re both lounging. I’ve ignored them most of the morning, but now I just plop myself right down between them, startling them both into silence.

“Do you need something?” Casey drawls, throwing his arm behind me on the couch.

I cock my head at him, really taking him in. He is disgustingly handsome. It’s a crime. And that accent isn’t doing him any favors. No, it’s doing himallthe favors.
