Page 57 of Diablo

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“Just wanted to watch some TV.” I lean forward and grab the controller, flicking the screen on and turning the volume up. Skylar’s eyes move to mine but I look away, leaning into Casey instead. He doesn’t smell familiar, not the masculine musky scent that Skylar carries around with him, but it’s not unpleasant.

“Um,” Casey begins, but I just nuzzle in closer.

“I’m a cuddler,” I say and smirk at Skylar. “A big one. I can’t help it.”

“The fuck you are,” Skylar mutters and runs a hand down his face.

Well, good, they’re not laughing now. No, now they seem uncomfortable. Well, at least I broke up whatever sexual tension that was. Not on my watch, Satan.

“I’m hungry, Skylar. Go make me lunch,” I say and watch as Skylar’s hands flex on his thighs. Those big thighs that I had snuggled against yesterday.

“You can make it yourself.”

“Um. No thanks.”

I lean my head against Casey’s shoulder and tuck my legs under me, flicking through the channels, pretending that Skylar is invisible when really, he’s all that I can see and feel. It’s only when he moves into the kitchen that I move away from Casey and close my eyes.

Casey chuckles lowly. “Ah, I see how it is.”

“There’s nothing to see,” I reply, turning my head and peering into his blue eyes.

He doesn’t say anything in response, just quirks his lips up and musses my hair a bit. It irritates me to no end, but I bite my lip and say nothing about it. I just wait patiently for Skylar to return.



Well, Diablo has become more bratty throughout the day, if that’s even possible. Whatever walls I’d knocked down this week, he’s rebuilt and fortified in a matter of hours. It doesn’t help that Casey is here and making everything ten times worse. Not that I don’t like the guy, but he and Diablo get along far too well. And what I mean by that, is Casey enables him.

“Casey says I can go outside,” Diablo says, and I glower at my friend who looks a little too innocent in the moment. I don’t know what Casey has been whispering in his ear, but going outside better not really have been discussed.

“Yeah, well, I’m Casey’s boss and I say no.”

Diablo narrows his eyes at me and props his elbows on the table. Moments earlier, Diablo was stuffing his face with dinner and there’s still a bit of sauce on the corner of his lip, but he doesn’t seem to notice and no one is saying anything about it.

I lean forward and brush my thumb across his lip, causing Diablo to lurch backward.

“Excuse me. No touching. Those are the rules.”

I bring my thumb to my mouth and shrug. “Had a bit of sauce there. Just wanted to get it off.”

Diablo glowers at me, shifting slightly in his seat. I can’t get a read on him, but the way the orange in his eyes flashes, there’s something there behind all those walls. Something’s on fire.

“Well, it’s nighttime and no one would see me out here anyways. I need to get out of this house before I lose my shit, Skylar. Casey understands me. He’s sounlikeyou.”

The way he says my name, like a hiss, like a curse causes my jaw to tense, my teeth to grind together. Fucking Casey. Maybe I shouldn’t have recommended him to Anthony after all.

“And you know, maybe I’ll just fire you, call my dad and tell him to let you go. He’d do it, you know.”

“No, he wouldn’t,” I retort and then lean back in my chair, pulling a fork full of food through my lips as I do.

Diablo’s eyes glance down at my mouth, and I see his cheeks flush.

He’s not totally unaffected by me, that much I know, but as soon as his eyes move back to Casey and that connection is broken, I feel something ugly snap inside of me.

“You’re staying inside. I won’t risk it,” I bark out, a little too loudly.

At my tone, Diablo stands up abruptly, grabbing on to his plate and marching over to the sink where he tosses it in with a loud clatter. I’d be surprised if it wasn’t broken with the way he threw it. Then he stomps down the hallway to his room where the door shuts with a slam.
