Page 106 of The Piece You Broke

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“I did,” Aden says. “But what you want to know is how close, don’t you?”

I nod.

“As I said before, we shared everything.”

The heat in his eyes makes my mouth dry. “You mean like a car? Or cash?”

He slowly shakes his head no.

I glance at Kade, but his expression is impossible to read. “What else do you mean?” I whisper, but I know.

In my heart, I think I always knew.

“A house,” Kade drawls, as his fingers stroke my hip, making my heart race. “A bed… a woman.”

Oh, my god.

I clear my throat. “Uh, and how does that work?”

Why am I not throwing on clothes and making a run for it?

A dark smile heats his eyes. “Easily. Though it’s helpful to have a bed bigger than this one.”

All thought empties from my mind at the idea of me, Aden, Kade, and—

Before I’ve fallen too far downthatrabbit hole, reality hits with the force of a freight train. “Dariel?”

There’s a subtle change in Kade’s face, one so small I can’t read it. “And Dariel.”

“He thinks I’m nothing,” I tell Kade. “So I’m guessing he thought the woman you shared before was something. Or is this just the way he usually is?” My voice is colder than I thought it would be, but when I think of Dariel, the thought of sharing even a room with him let alone a bed makes me cold.

And then there’s the thought of the woman they shared before. What happened to her, and is she the reason for the sadness in their eyes?

“Dariel will come around,” Aden says.

I turn to him. “He tried to kill me and from what I just overheard, if we were to share a bed, I’m unlikely to survive the experience.”

A frown creases his brow. “Hewillcome around. Until then, you can stay with me or with Kade.”

“So you don’t always sleep together?” I dart a glance between them, unsure how I feel about the idea of them sleeping with each other.

“No,wewould be sleeping withyou.” Kade’s low voice draws my gaze to him and holds my attention. “Sometimes it will be me and you, sometimes you and Aden, you and Dariel when he stops being a dick, and sometimes the three of us pleasuring you.”

Liquid pools and my breathing turns shallow.

I shake my head. “This isn’t… I don’t… I’ve never done that before.”

He lowers his head and presses a kiss on the corner of my mouth. “You don’t have todoanything. Just lay there and have us do things to you.”

If I wasn’t already finding it hard to breathe, those words would’ve stolen all the air from my lungs. “Things like what?” I whisper, desperate for Aden and Kade to show me. Now.

He presses a kiss on the opposite corner of my mouth as his hand strokes up and down my bare back. “Aden has a remarkable ability with his tongue.”

My heart stops. “What kind of ability?”

A slow smile curves his lips. “He knows how to make a woman beg him to never stop.”

He’s going to kill me if he doesn’t stop talking.
