Page 64 of The Piece You Broke

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She doesn’t look like a Lily.

Her real name—whatever that is—will be stronger. Harder.

Most of the tables are full now. At least in her section of the bar.

His gaze slides down her back and settles on her ass as she bends to place a glass on a table. That’s when it hits me he’s going for it.

Other men have looked before. With her slim body emphasized by a tight, knee-length skirt and fitted long-sleeve blouse, he’s not the only one who's been thinking about putting his hands on her. But none have moved toward her, not like this guy.

An urge flares so loud in my head there’s no ignoring it.


I failed before.

A flash of memory drags me into the past, where the coppery tang of blood fills my nose. It spills all over the floor, bathing my hands… and the dead woman in my arms.

I won’t fail again.

I don’t remember setting my drink down, let alone moving, but I’m suddenly across the bar, close enough to inhale her clean, fresh fragrance scent. She showered recently, and although she’s not wearing perfume, there’s a subtle fragrance to her skin that makes me want to crush her against me.

The man reaches for her ass.

My hand closes around the back of his neck in an unbreakable grip. The young couple at the table Lily is serving glance at me. I feel their attention, but I don’t give a shit about what they’re thinking. There’s only one thing I want right now.

The guy grunts as I jerk him away from her. Lily is turning when I force the guy into the mass of bodies on the dancefloor. I doubt she saw me or even knew what the fuck was happening. Perfect.

He struggles in my grasp, his dark eyes threatening, curses dripping from his lips. “Let me thefuckgo, you prick.”

I don’t respond. Just continue to propel him out through the bar, past the security who step aside without a word.

It’s so fucking easy. The guy must know it because every step he fails to free himself only seems to make him more enraged.

My pace never slows as I shove the guy down toward the alley end of the road, tucking him around the corner before I release him.

He spins around, already swinging.

I catch his meaty fist in one hand, and with my eyes locked on his, I squeeze.

Bone shatters, and a short, sharp cry emerges from his lips before I slap my palm over his mouth and lean in closer. That’s when I let out just enough of my wolf for him to know what he’s messing with: no fucker he can intimidate.

Too much of my wolf, apparently, from the acrid stench of urine which taints the air a second later, making my nose twitch.

I don’t blink. “You will not look at her, you will not touch her, you will not come five fucking feet from her, or the next thing I break will end you.”

The urine scent intensifies as he stares back at me, fury melting away, terror taking its place. A bead of sweat dribbles down the side of his face and drips onto his leather jacket.

“Do you understand me?” I say, my voice whisper-quiet.

His eyes widen, and after a beat, I move my hand from his mouth.

“I won’t come back. I’ll stay away.”

It’s not what I wanted, but this is even better.

I smile.

He blanches.

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