Page 65 of The Piece You Broke

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When I suddenly release him and step back, Ijustmanage to get out of the way before he sprints past me, cradling his broken hand—the same hand he was about to put on Lily—against his chest.

When I no longer hear the harsh slaps of his footsteps, I turn back to the club in a much better mood than when I left it.

Now to find a way of asking Aden what the fuck he’s thinking having her work in the bar without him seeing more than I want him to. Like how much the idea bothers me.



I’m three steps away from Saige when someone blocks me.

I’d noticed the guy in the leather jacket staring at Saige from across the bar, but I hadn’t believed he’d beeline right for her. He can’t be a regular because the staff is my responsibility, and if I’d seen any guy eyeing Sam or the other girls the way this one is eyeing Saige, I’d make sure the security didn’t let him back in here.

But the fury burning in my gut, nearly choking me, is not the normal response to a predatory customer approaching a member of staff that it’s my duty to protect.

If I had a gun in my hand, I’d use it. No hesitation.

I want this guy dead. That’s the only way to explain the urge eating me up.

As I scream at the guy blocking me to get out of the way, my eyes lock on Kade, who does what I was on my way to do.

He shoves the creep onto the dancefloor so smoothly, that by the time Saige has turned around, likely to find out why the people at the table she’s serving are glancing over her shoulder, Kade and the guy in leather have melted from view.

Her brow creases in confusion as she searches around her. When her eyes find mine, I force a smile and wave.

She smiles back. Each one seems to be getting closer and closer to the real thing.

Maybe the real thing will be accompanied by the reason she was running, and from who.

Her attention returns to her table, and I return to the bar, where I can keep a closer watch over her.

I’m halfway there when, out of the corner of my eye, Kade steps through the front entrance. He’s alone, and I don’t have to wonder what he said or did to the guy inches away from manhandling Saige. I only wish I’d been there to see it.

His eyes briefly meet mine.

That’s when I see the same need reflected in his eyes as I feel inside me. Protect Saige,always.

He gets it.

Maybebothof us need to keep a closer watch on Saige. Only this time, we’ll do a better job of it than we just did.

He nods, and I nod back.

If we feel this strongly about Saige, what’s going on in Dariel’s head? I shoot a glance at one of the cameras in the corner of the bar. The red light reveals it’s recording, and I visualize Dariel sitting in his office chair, wishing I could see through the camera and into his mind.



Iclutch the replacement remote in my hand, my eyes locked on the screen. The last image on the monitor is of Kade marching the man in a leather jacket with the greasy smirk out of the club.

Then I sink back in my seat, my furious intent to pound down the stairs and throw myself at the guy poised to grab Lily no longer necessary.

I return the remote to the desk, beside the invoices and orders I should be going over.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Kade with more of a purpose than looking for his next fight or a girl to fuck. But tonight, I’ve just caught a glimmer of what he was a long time ago.

A protector.
