Page 66 of The Piece You Broke

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He did something similar when a guy was showing a little too much interest in Monica.

No, I correct myself, remembering the fury in Kade’s eyes as he dragged the greasy guy outside the club. Before he’d have settled for a warning and maybe a shove.

This was something else.

If he doesn’t kill the guy, I’d be surprised.

My gaze moves to Aden, who looks like he wouldn’t have minded ripping the guy's guts out either, which, for Aden… is unusual.

Snarls fill my head, but that’s nothing new. The snarls and growls are always there now. Soon, I’m going to have to do something about it if the situation doesn’t improve. I may even have to make a call I’ve been avoiding for years.

But that would mean going back to a place I refuse to call home, regardless of the family who occupies it that drove me from it. They would help… eventually, but it would cost me more than I’m prepared to give, so for now I’ll do things my way.

At least while I still possess some control of my wolf. For however long that lasts.

Reclining, I fold my arms over my shoulder and do a quick scan of the tables around Lily.

No one is moving toward her. One or two men are glancing her way, but a glance or two is fine. More than that is not.

I don’t let myself think about why that might be.

She picks up her tray of empty glasses and heads to the bar with them.

My eyes never leave her as she goes.



“You’re being ridiculous.” I mock glare at Aden on the other side of the bar.

He leans over it toward me. “Impossible. I’m your boss.”

Snorting, I turn at the sound of familiar heeled boots on my right. “You hear that, Sam? Apparently, a boss can’t be ridiculous.”

She thumps her tray of empty glasses onto the bar before shouting over the music to Grady for a Cosmopolitan. “All of them are. I had this one boss who used to time us when we went to the bathroom. To the second. Any longer than five minutes and he’d deduct it from our pay.”

I turn back to Aden, who's sticking his chest out, looking smug. “See, I could be like that. But I’m not.”

Smiling, I shake my head. “You’re still ridiculous.”

“Why? What did he say?” Sam asks.

But I shake my head again because even though I’ve been working at the bar for two nights now, two nights that I’m creeping closer and closer to the girl I used to be, there are some things that I can’t share with anyone. My fractured wrist that still makes carrying heavy trays difficult is one of those things. Painkillers help with the ache, as well as my sore ribs, but it never completely gets rid of the pain.

The night before, toward the end of my shift, I grabbed a heavy tray off Sam because it didn’t feel right she was being lumbered with the biggest, rowdiest tables, and the heaviest trays.

I made it halfway to her table before it slipped out of my hand with the biggest crash you’ve ever heard. Even over the music.

Aden was by my side in a second. Although I tried to shake it off that I hadn’t been holding the tray properly, he had Killian clean up the mess, grabbed me by my shoulder, and frogmarched me to the staff changing room.

One glance at the swelling on my wrist, so bad the bandage was cutting into my skin, and that was that. My shift was over and it was time to go home.

Now, if any of my customers want anything heavier than a pint of beer, Aden refuses to let me carry the tray over.

“He just is,” I murmur.

He has a smile warming his hazel eyes, but I know he isn’t going to change his mind, and I… like that.
