Page 81 of The Piece You Broke

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The shrill sound of the door releasing echoes and then he hangs up without another word.

I continue to stare at the security guard as he stares back.

Eventually, I will myself forward, one step at a time. I edge around him, and when he does nothing to stop me, I hurry to the elevator bay, casting an anxious glance behind me to find he hasn’t moved from the door. The suspicion filling his eyes, as if he suspects that Kade answering when he did was nothing more than luck, hasn’t left his face either.

Luckily, the elevator arrives moments after I’ve called it, so I step inside and press the button for the top floor.

I’d assumed Kade must have been sleeping, but when the elevator door slides open seconds later, I realize I was wrong.

My gaze connects with the man leaning against the wall beside an open door, water clinging to his muscled chest, and a white towel hanging on for dear life around his narrow waist.

His expression is impossible to read as I cross over to him. As I do, he scans me from head to toe, taking in everything from my unbrushed hair, sleep rumpled sweats, and tennis shoes that are at least three sizes too big for me.

I stop a few feet away.

A moment passes in silence as I search his eyes for the wolf that was there before, but which he seems to have hidden from me.

“You wanted to see me.” His voice isn’t as growly as it was before.

I nod.

He holds his hand out to the open door beside him, inviting me to enter. “After you.”

He’s a wolf, Saige. You’ll be entering an apartment belonging to a wolf, and you know what’s happened every time you’ve done that before.

Nothing good. That’s what.

I can’t make myself do it.

My gaze scans the few pieces of furniture I can make out inside the apartment. A white couch. The corner of a coffee table, and beyond both, a wall of glass.

But he’s not like Rylan or any of his pack. Even your subconscious is trying to tell you that. Why else would you have had a dream of him protecting you?

I feel Kade’s eyes on me. He doesn’t snap at me for turning up at a ridiculous hour, buzzing and buzzing his door, and when he finally lets me in the building, I refuse to enter his apartment. If he wanted to tell me to fuck off, he’d be right to do it. I’d deserve it.

But he doesn’t.

He just waits.

I swallow. “Why didn’t you tell Dariel why you did it?”

Kade doesn’t respond, so I drag my gaze from his apartment. As I’d thought, he’s watching me, expression still unreadable, and water from his shower sliding down the side of his face.

“Did what?”

“Saved me.”

He blinks once, slowly. I feel myself tense, waiting for his wolf stare to return, but it doesn’t. Looking at him now, it’s like he’s just a regular human.

How does he hide his wolf so well?

“Is that what I was doing?”

I nod. “Yes.”

“Why would I do a thing like that?” he asks, nothing in his face or his tone to suggest he’s insulted or amused by what I’ve said.

“I don’t know. It’s why I’m here.”
