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The steady thump, thump, thump of the heavy metal music blares through my gym, mixing with the grunts and groans of the customers working out. I walk through the gym and study everyone, checking my employees are doing well with their clients and that the equipment doesn’t have any issues.

I smile and talk to a few of the regulars who come up to me. Most of them are favorites of mine and I enjoy talking to them. With a few exceptions.

I sigh when Selina comes up to me, flexing her big biceps and staring me right in the eyes. When she’s not staring at my dick in my compression shorts.

“Clay! So nice to see you. I missed you this week.”

I smile tightly. I didn’t miss her this week. Not at all. As a matter of fact, I specifically stayed away from my gym so that I wouldn’t have to see her.

It’s been like this for months and I’m really sick of it. I train some of my clients even though I’ve got plenty of employees that could handle it. I like to help people.

I made the mistake of agreeing to work with Selina a few times. She spent the majority of her time trying to squeeze her big, bulky body up against me. She’s at least six foot tall and there’s not a speck of curves on her. She’s solid muscle.

That’s not what I like. And no matter what I did, I couldn’t seem to get through to her. I finally pawned her off on another of the trainers and she’s been lobbying to get me back since then. Not gonna happen.

I have a specific type and I can’t find her at my gym. She’s got to be tiny. I like to think of my partner as my little doll. I like to take care of her and some people might say I’m a bit controlling. Or a lot controlling. I need a gentle woman. I like smart women. Give me a brainy girl in a pair of big glasses and I’ll fucking get hard as a rock in seconds. I like pocket-sized girls with big brains and soft curves. I don’t like tight-bodied women who like to tell me what to do.

I’m the only alpha in my relationships. I like control, I crave control. And there’s no way that I’ll find it in this gym. And sure as hell not from Selina.

She shuffles up to me and her big hand squeezes my biceps, lust in her bold gaze. “I was thinking, since you don’t seem to have time to train me anymore, maybe you’d like to have dinner sometime.”

And there’s the final nail in the coffin for her. I don’t want her to ask me out. Shy, sweet and curvy. Likes to be controlled. None of these women fit the bill. And sure as hell, Selina doesn’t. My lip curls and she struggles to keep the smile on her face when I back away.

“You know, Selina, I stopped training you because you kept pushing for more. And now you’re still doing it. I don’t put up with harassment in my gym. So since you can’t seem to help yourself, I’m going to refund your membership and you’re going to have to find another gym to use.”

Her mouth drops open and her eyes flash with anger. “You can’t be serious.”

I frown. “I don’t joke about business, Selina. I don’t even trust you around my employees so you’re going to have to go elsewhere.”

Her rage-filled gaze skims along my body. “I was just trying to be friendly. It’s not like I was actually harassing you.”

“I asked you to keep your hands to yourself and you just couldn’t help yourself. I asked repeatedly. I’m done asking. See Francine at the front desk and she’ll take care of your refund. I’ll let her know.”

Then I walk away, finding one of my favorite clients and a good friend of mine behind me. “Clay.” He nods at me. “That was awkward.”

“It was. But at least I had a good excuse to get rid of her now. The woman was always trolling for dick.”

Reid eyes me and there’s a question in his eyes. “Why weren’t you interested in her? I bet if you’d just slept with her she would have moved on.”

“Maybe. But I can’t get with that kind of woman. There’s just nothing there for me.”

He smirks. “You have a specific type.”

I nod my head but don’t answer him. My sexual preferences are my own. They’re not anybody else’s business.

“Would you care to tell me what they are?”


“Not even a hint,” he huffs and I have to laugh.

“Seriously? What are you going to do ? Find me my perfect girl? She doesn’t exist.” I glare around the room at all the perfectly-hard bodies around me. “At least not here.”

He chuckles and then reaches inside his pocket, pulling out a little rectangle of cardboard. It is a simple design with the initials KNK Matchmaking Agency on it in flowing gold and a simple black card.
