Page 19 of Rolling in Hot

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When we reach the room, he sets me on the ground and I hit the bathroom, pulling on one of his big shirts instead of my pajamas. Then after brushing my teeth, I crawl into the bed and snuggle into the soft sheets, smelling the unique, manly scent that I know is Sam. I close my eyes and I finally relax enough to yawn.

Sam climbs in behind me and I snuggle my ass back into him, feeling his hardness slip between my ass cheeks. But he just slips his arms around me and holds me tight, rubbing his cheek against mine and sighing.

“It’s been a long day, sweetheart. Go to sleep. All of this will still be here in the morning and we’ll deal with it.”

I close my eyes even though I know I’ll never settle down to sleep. And that’s the last thing I remember.

The phone rings again and I groan and smack my hand on the night table as I slam my fingers around, looking for my phone.

“Gemma?” I whisper, trying not to wake Sam.

“I saw a girl at the bar tonight and she looked just like you. There was a guy with her and she was looking for you. Do you want me to call the number she gave me and set something up?”

“Can you text me the number? I’ll do it.”

“Sure.” The line goes silent for a minute. “Are you alright?”

I take a deep breath and turn to find Sam’s cool gray eyes on me. “Yeah. I’m alright. Or I will be.”

“Are you still with that guy?”

I laugh. “Yeah. Sam.”

“How did the other night go?”

I stop and think. “Good. And bad. It’s all jumbled up. But not with Sam. He clears my mind.”

“Good. Get some sleep. We need to get together so we can talk about the other night. I’ve got some news too.”

“The guy?”

“Not him but his sister.”

I laugh, my mouth dropping open. “I can’t wait to hear this story.”

She laughs. “It’s good. I think.”

“I’ll talk to you later,” she says.

And I hang up and turn over to look at Sam. Who’s smiling at me and holding out his arms. I clamber over into them and rest my head on his chest.

Then I look up into that granite face with the quicksilver eyes glowing. “I want you, Sam. Make me feel good. Make me forget the bad.”

He takes my lips gently, softly and mine cling to his when I moan. “I live to make you feel good, Lil.”

And then he hauls me up and spreads me open. His fingers tunnel through my lower lips and he sets me on fire with his touch. The blaze builds and roars out of control and I scream and writhe under him as he works me like it’s his one and only job in this world.

I feel the waves of fire tearing into me and then I lift up onto my knees and clamber over his dick, dropping onto it over and over until he rubs my clit and sets off a fiery conflagration that washes over us and burns everything around us to ashes.

I come down from the most amazing orgasm of my life, my head stuffed with cotton wool and barely capable of saying my own name.

I curl into his big body and feel my eyes closing again. “I love you, Sam.”

“I love you too, Lil.”

* * *

When I open my eyes in the morning, I reach out a hand, searching for the furnace that is Sam.
