Page 23 of Rolling in Hot

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I smile coldly. “Between Mr. Sweet and my future wife, the one you should be really afraid of is Lily. And she takes the kind of shit you pulled personally. I’d run far and fast.”

Her glassy eyes twitch for the first time and I see a quick flash of fear.

“Yeah. I’ll see you never.”

I stalk out the door and slam it shut. Then I head to my house, checking the time. Only an hour and they should be bringing my baby girl home.

I hit my house and drop my clothes and then take a quick shower, pulling out the box I picked up at my bank today. The box with my mother’s engagement ring. It’s small but so is my little Lily.

I hear the car pull up and then an argument outside. I open the door and shoot her an impatient look.

“I honestly don’t know whether I’m more disappointed or angry at you right now, baby girl.”

Gemma fades out and runs to her car. “Good luck, Lily!” Then she leaves her friend glaring at her.

“I need new friends,” she mutters then pulls her phone out to call a car.

I grab her phone and hold it away from her. “You’re not going anywhere until we talk.”

“I don’t want to talk.”

“Too bad. You’re acting like a little brat again. Maybe I should spank you again.”

Her blue eyes flare with heat and anger. “I dare you to try it,” she snarls.

“Don’t dare me, baby. I’m hanging on by a thread.”

“I’m the one that should be upset. How could you have a son that you’ve never taken care of. I would expect that from my father but not you.”

“Well that’s good. Because he isn’t mine. I didn’t have sex with Tanya the last two years we were married. That boy cannot be mine.”

She stops. “Oh.”

“Yeah. Oh. And instead of staying and fighting for me. For us. Your immediate decision was to run away from me.”

Her head hands down. “I’m sorry.” Her head snaps up. “But why would she come here after all this time and say that to me. To break us up? Why?”

“Your father paid her off.”

“What?” She paces back and forth, waving her arms and snarling with rage. “I cannot believe that he’s desperate and stupid enough to pull a stunt like this.”

“Desperate yes. Stupid? I don’t know. You believed her.”

Her blue eyes fill with tears and she comes to stand in front of me. She touches my arm. “I’m sorry. I was stupid. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

I pull her into my arms and it feels like the first time I’ve been able to breathe all day. She settles me.

“I love you so much, baby, and I understand. You’ve had a rough couple of days and it took its toll on your heart. I promise you that you will never have to think that I’m cheating on you.”

“Good. I want to go see my father.”

I sigh and reach down to run my lips along her throat, smiling against her soft skin when she gasps. “How about we do that tomorrow? Tonight I just want to love you.”

“I like the sounds of that.”

I lift her up and cradle her, trying to be gentle. But my fear that she was gone has me still aching and almost angry.

“I’m not sure how gentle I can be, sweetheart.”
