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“Call the cops if they do. I want you to stay clean. I don’t need a reason for them sniffing around here. We’ll do this by the book if need be. You know they’re always itching to charge me with something.” At least some of them were. The others who my dad had on his payroll didn’t bother me.

Greer still watched the sidewalk the couple walked down, so I took his hand in mine and pulled him toward the shop where my bike was. We were going to put this behind us and have a good day.

I got to my bike and coasted my hand reverently along the chrome and leather. I loved this machine.

“You’re finally taking me out on it?” Greer asked.


My Harley was older and well taken care of. When I first got it, there were dents and scrapes on the tank and fenders from being in an accident. It didn’t run like it should from sitting too long. That was how I got it cheap. I fixed up what was broken and had a friend do the paint job. It was a bright red now, shined to perfection. The drag pipes were long down the side, giving it a badass appearance.

There were a couple helmets in the corner. I grabbed one for Greer and put mine on. Pennsylvania had a no helmet law for motorcyclists, but I always wore one. I’d gotten in an accident before and the helmet had saved my skull.

I swung my leg over the bike and sat down to walk it out of the corner of the shop. Once we were out front, I stopped and told Greer to get on. The bike dipped, neither of us were light but it held us just fine. I’d upgraded the suspension when I fixed it, as well as put better tires and brakes on it. Fixing motorcycles wasn’t my thing, but I made it so for this. I learned; was proud of the work I’d done. I also had the help of Keith who’d worked on them previously.

“Have you been on one before?” I asked Greer. I needed to know if I had to tell him how to flow with the bike when we rode.

“Yeah, a few times.”

I nodded and started the bike, letting the rumble of it calm me, soothe me from what happened with that asshole on the sidewalk. This was what I wanted. To be here with Greer’s hands on my waist as he held me loosely. We took off out of the shop, down the city streets until the open road was in front of us and nothing but hills and valleys beyond.

Greer and I rode for an hour before stopping to grab a bite to eat, sitting on a bench and just enjoying our time together. Eventually, we rode back to the shop. We didn’t end up needing the lube and condom I was sure he brought, but the day was no less perfect. I enjoyed every minute of being with him. Plus, it was another way to prove to him I wasn’t with him for strictly sex.

I didn’t think I’d want to be in another relationship after Dexen. Greer had changed my mind. Greer and I were building something together. Something that made me happy. Dexen still lingered there, more present since that damn kiss. I was able to push him away while I was out with Greer today. It was just the two of us on the bike. No one else.



The room swam and I didn’t give a solitary fuck. That was what happened when I drank myself into a stupor every night. I waited for the club to close first, which meant it was late, or early, depending on how I looked at it.

I glanced at my watch, although it wouldn’t come into focus. Fuck it. It didn’t matter what time it was. I had nowhere to be. No one to go home to. It was just me and my top shelf tequila. At least, I thought that was what I was drinking. I didn’t taste much. I just grabbed a bottle from behind the bar and drank.

I’d sent everyone home, including Hal but he wouldn’t leave. He said not until I at least go lie down on my couch. He even put a pillow and blanket there. I didn’t deserve him. I also couldn’t move so I stayed where I was at the bar.

Someone cursed behind me. I turned and stumbled off the stool, falling onto my hands and knees. Luckily, I didn’t face-plant, though I probably wouldn’t have cared if I had. I was too numb to give a shit.

A hand pressed under my chin to lift my face. I had to close my eyes to stop the room from spinning. “Dex, what the fuck?” Ah, my brother.

“Xaiden.” Although I wasn’t sure that was what I said. It might have been a slurred string of letters that didn’t make any sense.

“It’s four in the morning. You need sleep.”

“I’ve been trying to tell him that,” Hal said.

Xaiden helped me stand then braced me while my body swayed. I laughed. It was either that or cry, and I wasn’t in the mood for my eyes to burn and my nose to run. Or for that void in my chest to suck me in deeper.

He started walking me toward the back hallway.


“Was that English?”

I gave him the finger. I think. If I had any semblance of balance, I’d walk back to the bar and grab my bottle. In my current state, I was lucky to be upright. Hell, I wouldn’t be if Xaiden wasn’t holding me.

“Can you lock up?” he asked Hal. I sure as hell wasn’t in any state to put a key in a lock.

“Yeah, I got it. I’ll call Lynn and ask her to come in tomorrow morning so he can sleep this off.”
