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“Nooo,” I dragged out. I didn’t want Lynn to have to come in. Not because of my stupid drunken ass. I’d been doing fine all week, sobering up before the lunch crowd came in.

Xaiden got me into the back of his car, lying me down on the seat. The interior smelled like his cologne. It was some expensive shit our mom insisted on buying him every year. He must have liked it because he wore it even when they weren’t around.

He shoved a plastic bag into my hand. “Don’t puke on my leather or you’re footing the bill to have it deep cleaned. And if the smell remains, you’re buying me a new Jag.” He slammed the door, the sound vibrating through my head like a gong that had just been struck.

The drive to wherever we were going was thankfully smooth. It should be for what he paid for this car. I dozed off, finally coming to when he slammed a door. I jerked halfway up, startled, blinking at the bright lights.

My garage. At least he brought me home and not to his place. Not that there was anything wrong with it, but I didn’t want to feel like I was about to get shot and left to die in the woods. Xaiden was a hermit when he wanted to be, living in the middle of nowhere.

“Let’s go,” he said, and half dragged, half lifted me out of the car.

He got me as far as the living room before my legs gave out and I became dead weight. The couch met my cheek when Xaiden dropped me on it. A blanket covered my body and within seconds I was asleep.

* * *

The harsh light of a drunken night’s mistakes blazed into my face like a thousand razor blades raking across my brain. I groaned and rolled over, burying my face in… Where the hell was I? This wasn’t my office. This wasn’t leather but a soft fabric. I must be home. I knew I wouldn’t drive drunk, which meant my brother came and got me.

I blocked out as much light as I could by burrowing into the cushions.

“Nope, we’re done with this,” Xaiden said. He gripped my shoulder and pulled me from my dark sanctuary hard enough that my ass and spine hit the hardwood floor with a solid, jarringthud.

“Jesus,” I hissed as pain rocketed through my body. My back, my head, my fucking teeth hurt. My mouth was a gross pit of cotton. How much did I drink?

“Half the bar, if I had to guess.” So, I asked that out loud then.

I got to my feet with the help of holding on to the coffee table. It was apparent Xaiden wasn’t going to assist me. I staggered to the downstairs bathroom and took a piss that felt like it would never end. The sound of a blender in the kitchen only intensified the throbbing in my head.

When I finally emerged and tried to head up the stairs to where my bedroom was with a soft mattress and blackout curtains, Xaiden steered me toward the kitchen where he forced me to sit on an unforgiving wooden stool. He shoved a hideous concoction of a health drink at me. He liked these things. I thought they tasted like kelp. Not that I’d ever had kelp but if I did, I imagined this was what it would taste like.

The only reason I was able to choke it down was because it cured hangovers. It was this thick, green sludge full of vitamins and nutrients, probably some raw eggs, which I definitely didn’t want to think about. After I got half of it swallowed, he slid over some ibuprofen which I readily downed with more of the sludge.

With the glass empty, I rested my head on the granite and waited to either feel better or die. I wasn’t picky. Either would work.

A hand slapped the black stone countertop by my head, causing me to jump and nearly topple over. Xaiden was there with a hand on my back to save me from that fate. I guess he was feeling forgiving now. Then he slapped the back of my head, jostling my goddamn jaw. So much for forgiving.

“If you hit me again, I’m going to punch you,” I growled.

“You couldn’t hit a heavy bag right now if it was in front of your face. What the hell were you thinking? Hal said this was the fifth night in a row you drank after closing. He said last night was the worst he’s ever seen you and since you wouldn’t listen to him, he called me.”

“Of course he did,” I grumbled.

Xaiden gripped my hair, yanking my head back. To some, it might seem aggressive, but this was my brother. He was scared and wanted to knock some sense into me without actually hitting me. If he did, I wouldn’t stand a chance. He was a force to be reckoned with.

“Dexen,” he snapped. “You’re done with this destructive behavior. If you do it one more time, I’m calling Mom and telling her you need to go to rehab.”

My eyes went wide as panic shot through me. “You wouldn’t.” I wasn’t an alcoholic. He knew that, knew me, but he’d tell her that if I didn’t get my shit together.

“You want to test me?”

“No,” I muttered.

“Good.” He released my hair and smoothed it down with gentle strokes. “Now, I’m going to cook us something to eat, and you’re going to spill what the issue is that has you slapping the self-destruct button.”

I groaned and dropped my head back to the counter. It was nice and cool, soothing my head the tiniest bit. The sludge he made me was working its magic too. I was slowly beginning to feel more human. My brain didn’t feel like it was being sliced out of my head any longer. It still hurt but with less intensity.

Eggs cracked, no doubt without the yolk. It was the best part, but my brother left them out. Egg white omelets were better for me and all that shit. I heard him chopping up vegetables then pouring the egg whites into a pan. A cup of coffee was placed in front of me; the bitter scent seeping into my soul, jolting me more awake. I savored it for a few sips. Damn, it was good. This almost made up for the green shit he made me drink.

Light-blue eyes the same color as my own met mine. He wouldn’t admit it out loud, I didn’t need him to. I saw the fear there. He didn’t want anything to happen to me. I got it. I’d never intentionally hurt him, but this wasn’t about him. It was wholly about me.
