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“You think I like watching Pey stick his tongue down your throat?” JJ pointed out.

Perry lifted his glass, tipping it carefully toward JJ. “Touché.”

“Keep it up and I’ll tongue fuck him every time you walk in the door,” Peyton quipped. We all knew he was serious though. He’d do it just to irritate JJ. The two of them got along better now than they did when JJ first started working at PJS, but they weren’t sitting around making friendship bracelets for each other.

JJ leveled him with a glare. “You do that, and I’ll put Greer on his knees in the kitchen, not giving a single fuck who’s in there.” I couldn’t reply. He knew I’d go down on him whenever he wanted. The idea of my brother being in the room wasn’t appealing though.

I leaned forward, partially blocking their view from each other. “If you two don’t shut up, we’re going to miss Dom’s performance.”

That got Peyton’s attention. He swung his gaze to the stage as the music started a slow, sensuous beat.

“Next to the stage… Ocean,” the deejay said seductively.

The entire room went quiet. Conversation ceased. All eyes on the stage as the music built. It was the eeriest and most fascinating thing. Dominic was the only one who could command this kind of attention here. Others came close, although there was no one like him.

JJ dropped his head to my shoulder, tucking his face against my neck. He didn’t understand the draw. It was fine if it wasn’t his thing. I’d let him rest wherever he wanted, but I’d bet money he’d eventually be sucked in. Dominic was hypnotic up there.

Dexen reached over to rest his hand on JJ’s thigh and gave it a squeeze. JJ didn’t move where he was on me, but he did thread his fingers with Dexen’s.

The curtain parted and Dominic came out. Tonight, he was in a pair of navy pinstriped slacks, white suspenders, a white tie, and a white mask with blue piping around the edges. His bare chest, stomach, and arms shimmered under the bright lights. Silver glitter sparkled as he moved his body, starting off slow, letting the music take him where it would.

That was the thing about Dominic, the draw to him. No two dances were the same and every time he commanded the stage, the members were entranced. He didn’t bother with choreography. He didn’t plan anything outside of the music and what he was going to wear.

His body moved in a way others didn’t. He was so fluid, so sure of himself. He didn’t focus on any one point, moving his head, his body followed. He was tall and lithe with defined abs, a sinful sight to behold.

JJ shifted in his seat, his head lifting. I knew he’d get drawn in. “Is he always like this?” he whispered. I barely heard him over the music.

“Yeah. Even if you don’t want to find him sexy, you do, don’t you? How can you not when he moves like that?”

“How do you deal with it knowing he’s dating your brother?”

“I’ve seen Dom dance countless times. It wasn’t him I wanted when I came here. It was always Dex.” I glanced over to find Dexen’s eyes on JJ and me.

He leaned in. “What do you think, JJ?”

“He’s good. Talented. But he’s not who I want.”

“I hope not.” Dexen pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Now watch the show. You’ll understand why Dom draws the biggest crowds.”

Men around the room sat on the edge of their seats, as if by doing so they could erase the distance between them and the man on the stage. The closest any of them would get was a private dance from Dominic in one of the VIP rooms. They couldn’t touch in there either and had to pay a hefty fee plus tip for that privilege. They had to remain seated on the couch while Dominic danced just for them. Perry hated it more than my brother did, but he understood Dominic didn’t have eyes for anyone but the two of them.

Dominic took his tie off first. The next song bled from the current one. His suspenders left his body. At the start of the third song, his slacks disappeared leaving him in nothing but a white G-string and his mask.

JJ sat a little straighter. I didn’t blame him. Dominic had a tight, muscular ass and a nice bulge cupped in silk. Even though the members knew his identity, the mask still lent an edge of mystery. It was smart for Dominic to keep wearing it.

Dominic eventually started his dance toward the curtain and slowed his rhythm, waiting for the music and the deejay to give him his exit. Men clapped, some stood. Perry glared at them. If it was up to him, he’d give Dominic whatever he wanted so he didn’t have to share him with the members here. But Dominic wouldn’t allow Perry to do that. It was a struggle to let him buy Dominic a new vehicle. A red Jeep Compass. Dominic said he liked the color of JJ’s bike and wanted something similar on his SUV. It wasn’t the same shade, but both were in the red family. Perry wanted to put him in the safest vehicle there was. Dominic would only let Perry buy him a vehicle if Dominic got to choose it. The smile Dominic had when he brought it home was everything. It was the first new vehicle he’d owned.

“Does he have any rooms tonight?” Peyton asked Dexen.

Dexen took his phone out and tapped the screen a few times. “Two. Are you going to wait in his dressing room for him?”

“Yeah, we’ll head that way. We only came to see him and watch JJ swallow his tongue.” Peyton smirked, clapping JJ on the back.

JJ swatted him away. “I did no such thing. He’s hot, I’ll give you that, but I’ve seen better.”

Peyton scoffed, “Sure, you have.” He reached for Perry’s hand and they both stood, Perry finishing off his scotch before making their way to the back.

JJ turned to Dexen. “I don’t have to come and watch the dancers again, do I? I came, I saw, I’m over it.”

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