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“I still can’t believe you didn’t stay and watch them when you and Dex were together,” I said.

“It’s not my thing. I get the appeal, but the dancers don’t make my cock hard. Now, if they were up there fucking, I’d be interested.”

Dexen shook his head. “I’m not going down that road. I have enough to keep me busy.”

We eventually went to Dexen’s office, where a guard stiffened outside the door. Even when Dexen wasn’t in there, someone stayed near, just in case.

“You’re going to have to at least be cordial,” Dexen said to JJ.

“He hit me, repeatedly.”

“Yeah, and I got the bruises to prove it,” the guard said.

Dexen sighed. “Enough. Simon, can you please be nice to my boyfriend? And, JJ, you have to come down a notch. Simon was doing his job. He didn’t know who you were. You have to admit, you come off like a tough motherfucker.”

Simon cut in, “I’m not afraid of him.”

JJ rolled his eyes. “Whatever, man.”

Dexen punched a code in to get into his office. I recognized the numbers instantly. Once we were inside, with the door shut, I had to bring it up.

“My birthday?” I asked. “When did you do that?”

“When you first caught my eye. I like to change the code often, but I haven’t been able to use something new since I programmed it.” Dexen knew everything about the members who came into his club. He’d have my birthday on file.

“When’s your birthday, Greer?”

“Not for a while. June fifth.”

“You’ll be forty?”


“Still younger than Dex.” JJ grinned.

“Shut up,” Dexen said with no heat. “I don’t remember you complaining about me being older than you.”

“You’re six years older than Greer. Ten years older than me. It makes you a hot older man.”

“Don’t call me an older man. I don’t like it.”

JJ tugged on Dexen’s chin. He had a little bit of scruff on his face. I was glad he didn’t grow a full beard. His dimples were part of his draw. “What would you rather I call you?”


That wasn’t what JJ was expecting. He was joking with Dexen. “I already do. You and Greer, you’re both mine.”

Dexen put a hand on JJ’s hip while his other reached for me. I gripped his and let him bring me closer so I could wrap my arm around JJ’s waist.

Before Dexen could reply, a chirp sounded. It wasn’t my phone; I kept it on silent. JJ reached into his pocket for his. I could see from his screen it wasn’t his.

Dexen took his out and said, “I love how you wanted to outfit my home, Greer, but I keep getting false alerts saying my motion sensors are tripped, but there’s never anyone or anything there. It did it last night. Xaiden went over since I was here, and he didn’t see anything out of place. I checked again when I got home. Nothing.”

I plucked the phone from his fingers. “My system doesn’t have glitches. There are no false alarms.”

I knew everything about the software I put on his home and phone. I flipped through the camera feeds, checked for anything out of the ordinary. I almost thought he was right. Then I saw something shadowy on the corner of the screen. I zoomed in, played it back. It was nothing more than a dark shoe, but someone was in Dexen’s house, in his living room to be precise.

Turning the phone, I showed him the screen. “This isn’t a false alarm.”
