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Whoever was in my house was going to die. I thought those chirps on my phone were the system being weird. I even told the security company so. They reviewed the videos and never saw anything.Inever saw anything, but now… now there was someone in my home doing fuck knew what.

The alarm company had called, and I told them to send the police over. I couldn’t get there fast enough from the club, due to my home being outside of the city. The local police were closer.

There was no chance of Greer and JJ staying safely behind, so they followed me into the hallway. Peyton leaned against the open door to Dominic’s dressing room, which was next to my office.

He straightened when he saw us and the angry looks on our faces. “Where are you three going?”

I quickly relayed to him what happened and how Greer saw someone in my home. Peyton was obviously torn between wanting to come with us to cover his brother’s back and staying here with Junior and Dominic.

“Go,” Junior said from inside Dominic’s dressing room. “We’ll be fine. There’s enough security here to protect us, especially with Leon.” He was the personal guard I had hired for Dominic after everything that happened in JJ’s shop. I wanted Dominic to feel safe while he was here. Leon was a retired police officer who wasn’t quite ready to stop working all together.

Peyton gave Junior a quick kiss. Dominic was in a VIP room upstairs. “Don’t leave until I come back.”

“Dom can drive us. Give me your keys. It’s not like the fortress isn’t secure.”

“Perry,” Peyton growled.

“Fine, but if you’re gone too long, I’m asking Leon to take us home.”

“He stays until I get there.”

Junior’s answer was to kiss him again, to tell him to be safe, then we were off. Junior wouldn’t be able to keep Peyton here. He tried to put on a brave face, but I noticed the way Junior’s smile trembled.

JJ and Greer went out front to get into Greer’s Lexus and Peyton came with me out back to get his gun out of his vehicle. We buckled into my white Audi Q8 SUV. I was surprised Peyton didn’t want to go with his brother but once we were on the road, I knew why. He wanted to drill me with questions about who had access to my home, who had a vendetta against me. The list went on and on.

The truth was, I didn’t make enemies. I was even on speaking terms with JJ’s dad, though it wasn’t like we talked often. But he didn’t hate me. My family’s businesses were thriving. No one had complaints, except Dominic about Freddy. I was as baffled as Peyton was.

Eventually he was cut off by his phone ringing. He put it on speaker and kept his eyes on Greer’s Lexus in front of us.

“I can’t talk now, Mom.”

“Should I call you back in a bit? Am I interrupting something?” I could hear the coyness in her tone. If I hadn’t been on the road to figure out what was going on in my home, I would have smiled. I’d met Luann Lynx before, though it had been a while since I’d seen or spoken to her.

“Fuck’s sake,” Peyton muttered. “We’re on our way to Dexen’s house. Someone broke into it. He’s driving us.”

Her tone changed fast. “You have your gun?”

“In my other hand.”

“Where’s Greer?”

“Ahead of us in his vehicle.”

“You watch his back, Peyton.”

“I always do.”

“Good, now, fill me in on Dexen. Is he who Greer’s been hung up on?” That time I did smile.

Peyton sighed. “Yeah, Mom, that’s him.”

“Dexen?” she called to me.

“Hi, Mrs. Lynx. I hope you’re doing well.”
