Page 32 of Dark Debt

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Fuck. This is not where I wanted this conversation going.

“The money’s good, Gio. Accounted for a fucking year ago. And it doesn’t really matter, does it? Because I’m done. I’m out. No need to worry about spending the goods on some chick.”

Gio abruptly stands forward, crossing the room toward me and waving a finger in my face. His face is red, the hidden muscles beneath his stocky figure bunching.

“Don’t matter? Don’t matter?! I don’t think it’s your place to judge what matters, boy. Everything you got is because of me, and I think I’m due my fucking finder’s fee!”

I grab his arm as he goes to take my shirt in his grip, holding him in place.

“You’re no better than the scum who don’t pay like they should. So, you’ll get the same treatment!”

Swinging wide with his other hand, Gio lands a punch to my side, and I instinctively let go of his arm. He’s throwing another punch as I recover, but I’m able to block it with my arm, and I shove him back. Gio lands against his desk, rattling the wood and spilling the loose pens and papers onto the floor.

“Your daddy was right. I never should have given your sorry ass a chance,” Gio growls.

Going for the hurt isn’t surprising, and I pay no attention to his words, readying myself for his next attack.

Right on cue, Gio pushes off the desk and charges toward me. I sidestep, circling my arms around his neck and ramming his head into the door behind me.

Just as I throw him back away from me, I hear the door at the end of the hall open.

“Jett! It’s been a while, and I’m getting nervous. Are you okay?”

Macy steps inside the building, and before I can tell her to run back out, Gio charges at me again, taking me down to the floor with a loud thud.


I hear Macy’s steps running down the corridor, and then she’s at the doorway, eyes wide and frantic as she takes in my current predicament.

The distraction proves enough to give my uncle the opportunity to slug me right in the jaw, and stars swim across my vision as pain flares. I stop the next blow, but being trapped under Gio is the worst place to be in this fight.

“Well, if it ain’t the dumb bitch herself. She is mighty pretty. Maybe I’ll take a turn once I’ve dealt with you.”

Rage screams through my blood like electricity, and I smash my knuckles into his face from the ground. Gio’s head kicks back, but he doesn’t pop off me; his base is too strong to be knocked over easily.

He laughs wildly. “Oh, come on now. You’ll have to do better than that!”

Raining down punches, Gio’s fist pummels into my arms as I block. I can’t see, and I know I can’t stay here.

All at once a loud crack sounds at Gio’s head, and he tumbles to the floor. I jump up as fast as I can and look around to find Macy holding a now broken laptop in her hands. She glares down at Gio, who’s standing back up as he rubs his head.

“I am not a dumb bitch.” She throws the busted computer to the ground. “I’m a very smart bitch.”

My uncle’s growls and grunts rumble loudly as he faces off with her, and I step between them, tucking Macy behind me. Gio goes for his waistband, and I still, my hand going to the small of my back and circling around my gun.

“Oh, are you now? Well,” he retrieves his own weapon, “are you bulletproof?!”

The shots ring out one after the other, and then time stops, everything going silent.

Gio falls to the floor, clutching his hand where the gun and a few fingers are now missing. Sound rushes back into my ears as he screams, and then pain stabs through my side.

I crumple down to one knee, dropping my gun and gripping at the slowly darkening patch on my shirt.


Macy is at my face in seconds, and I put my hand on her cheek, red staining her pale flesh. My vision swims, and I fall the rest of the way to the ground, my ass hitting the floor hard.


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