Page 69 of Heavy Shot

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Rhiannon glowered at a picture for a moment, recognizing August standing patiently in the background, and wondered how he felt about everything. Surely it was even harder for a man to watch his date pretend she was on a date with someone else. And preen and pose without him.

All the major news sites had Oscars information and more than one had a picture of Kline with Jill as an attention catcher.It took several clicks before she saw anything about herself, it was not what she wanted to see. Sharon Osbourne had compared her with Jill, saying Kline was sitting between The Virgin and The Whore. Side-by-side photos of Jill working the carpet in her daring gown and Rhiannon looking startled by a flash in what looked to be the same spot. It was clear Osbourne had chosen one of the worst pictures of Rhiannon they could find, and sure enough, the dress looked like a filter over her bare body in the camera’s light. “What are a couple of nipples if you’ve seen the whole bush?” Osbourne had written, and made another nasty remark about how no one ever saw Rhiannon in photos unless they sawallof her. In the last sentence she said, “It’s a perfect example of the dress wearingyou, overyouwearing the dress.”

Rhiannon finally flicked off the computer and went for her phone. She'd known Jill a long time and either something was truly up with Kline that made her lose all hope in her ability to judge people, or she was just being sucked into a vacuum of Hollywood hallucination. Either way, she was going to end it now.She dialed Jill's number.

There was fumbling on the other end of the line then a sleepy, "Hello?"

"Hello, Jill. It's Rhiannon. Did I wake you?" she asked, knowing full well that she had.

"Rhiannon," Jill repeated, then laughed a little, "I don't think you have yet, actually. But keep talking. How are you?"

"I'm--not great, actually. I think you and I should talk."

Jill hesitated, "Okay.Sure. Now?"

"How about lunch? Would you like to come here, or shall I come to you?"

"I'm at August's," Jill yawned. "I'll come to you. Oh wait—I don't have a car. Hang on." There was more rustling and some muffled conversation before Jill was back on the line, "You're welcome to come here. Is that okay?"

"That's fine. Just tell me where."

"Okay, here, I'll let August give you directions. I'm terrible at that," Jill said, followed by more rustling before August's deep, richly accented voice came on the line. He was snarky but cheerful, Rhiannon assumed because she'd woken him up, but it was more amusing than anything. He rattled off the address and quick directions. "Come round to the back, love," he said "so we don't mistake you for a reporter and shoot you."

"Sure thing. I'll be there around noon. Is that okay?"

"What time is it now?"


"Gods--I'm rarely up before noon. I'll kick Jill out of bed, though. Enjoy your lunch."

Jill Parker

Jill took back the phone and said goodbye, then hung up and looked at August. "She's going to be mad at me."

"Well then quit kissing her dates."

Jill smacked his arm and yelped, "Be nice! It was for work!"

"You loved it, you little minx. Don't play sweet and innocent with me."

"Hmph!" she said, rolling over in the bed. "I kissed you more."

August leaned up on his elbows and kissed her shoulder. "You did a lot more than kiss me, but I'm yours. He's not. Even if the press are having a field day by trying to make it so."

"I should take a shower," Jill sighed, snuggling back against him. "And make some juice, or something."

"Yes, you should." He nibbled her shoulder. "Go on. Out of bed."

Jill sat up smiling and ruffled his hair. "You'll make such a good father. You're so bossy!"

August gave a snort. "Not in this lifetime, darling."

"Aw. Don't you want to hear the pitter patter of little feet?"

"I have a cat. That's plenty. I don't want anything that requires that I do anything more than set out food for it."

Jill frowned a little, "I want babies.At least two.You really don't?"
