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“Yes, you probably saw Shelly. She’s a hugger. I can see why you might have thought I was with someone else.”

Lana’s vision blurred as she blinked back more tears. “Then I misunderstood. I thought…”

“It doesn’t matter anymore.” Hayden pulled her back to him. She pressed her cheek to his chest. “We should move on from the past. Like you said.”

“No. I was wrong.”

“What do you mean?”

She looked into his eyes. “We need to deal with what happened. I must talk to Mother.”


Hayden rummaged through the trunk, looking for the necklace Lana needed for today’s filming. He was already on edge because he hadn’t seen Lana yet and had no idea how the conversation with Gail had gone last night. It was making him a bit crazy.

“Find it?” Spencer asked, poking his head into the prop tent.

“No.” He swore he’d seen it last week. Why were so many things turning up missing?

“I’ll go get another one.” Spencer disappeared, knowing the drill. If they didn’t have that prop, they couldn’t shoot this next scene.

Hayden stood, brushing off his jeans. This was insane. Someone had to be messing with the props. Cameras and necklaces don’t grow legs and walk away. The camera was worth money, but who would take a worthless piece of costume jewelry?

Lana entered the tent. Her hair was pulled back all fancy, and she wore an evening gown. This was the proposal scene. She was probably looking for the necklace.

“Hayden.” She twisted her hands together. “Can we talk?”

“Of course.” He crossed the small space to her. He could tell something was not right the second he lay eyes on her. “What’s wrong?”

“I couldn’t do it.” Lana began pacing. “When I got back to the resort, she was in such a terrible mood. I couldn’t confront her.”

She turned to him. “Let’s date in secret.”

He couldn’t quite tell if she was kidding, or if she meant it. “We can’t do that. Your mother would know in two seconds.”

She sighed. “You’re right.”

He pulled her close. “Look. Things have a way of working out. Even when we can’t see a way. Your mother might get upset at first, but when she sees how happy we are together, she’ll calm down and accept it.”

Lana bit her lower lip. “You really think so?”

“I do.” He gave her a kiss, which turned into a second, and maybe a third. He lost count.

Chase came rushing into the prop tent, out of breath. “Hayden, are we really missing the necklace for today’s shoot?”

Hayden stepped back from Lana. “Yeah. I don’t know what happened. Spencer is getting a replacement.”

Chase scrubbed a hand over his face. “Why do the props keep disappearing? What’s going on?”

“Wait, the necklace is gone?” Lana asked, her face pale.

Hayden nodded. “Yeah.”

Lana turned to Chase. “And who told you about it?”


Lana shook her head. “Unbelievable.”

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