Page 56 of Camden

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Brienne uses her hand on my shoulder to push me down into my chair. She resumes her seat and leans toward me. “Start from the beginning and tell me everything.”

So I do.

I tell her everything, minus the details of the night we spent together, but she’s clear on the fact that we’ve been intimate. She nods, makes a few comments like “That makes sense” and “I get that.”

When I finally dry up, she asks the most important question of all. “How do you feel about Camden?”

Again, all the memories from the past few weeks as we solidified our friendship and then became lovers, how he’s helped Travis with hockey and showed up out of the blue to shovel snow for me. I could focus on how amazing he is in bed and how he’s made me feel things I thought were long dead, but when it boils down to it, it’s his kindness that has me all googly-eyed over him. “I like him a lot, Brienne. I know it’s new and we’re still getting to know each other, but I don’t feel like I’ve got anything holding me back. I loved Mitch. Still do. But I’m ready to live a full life again. You helped me see that I needed to do that. I guess you sort of made me see possibilities again when you offered me this job.”

“Good,” she says with an emphatic nod. “That’s all that matters. And Travis?”

My stomach pitches because I might be ready to move on, but is he ready for me to do the same? “I don’t know. I need to talk to him. Camden has been helping him with hockey, and Travis really looks up to him as a friend”

Travis was crushed that Camden couldn’t stay and play his hockey game with him last night. He said a doleful goodbye but was heartened by Camden’s promise that they’d find time to play soon.

Travis was upstairs in his room using the thirty minutes I allow him each night when Camden called. He’d just made it back to his place.

“Hey, super cool mom,” he drawled when I answered the phone. “Will you let Travis play hockey with me online?”

“You can do that? That’s a thing?” I had no idea.

Camden laughed. “Yes, it’s a thing.”

And sure enough, it was. My son flipped out when I went upstairs to tell him and was so overjoyed, I let him play an extra half hour with Camden. I’m not sure I understand what was going on, but they were on the same team and communicating through headsets. I watched for only a few minutes and left them alone, although I was dying of curiosity.

Later, after Travis was asleep, Camden called me. “You’ve got an amazing kid,” he said.

I agreed with him and we talked for almost an hour.

“I don’t know where you went just now,” Brienne quips, “but that smile on your face tells me a lot.”

I flush hot and shake my head with a laugh. “Sorry… I was thinking about Camden.”

“I’m happy for you, Danica.” Brienne takes my hand in hers. “Don’t you dare have regrets.”

“No,” I rush to assure her. “I don’t have regrets at all. I really like Camden and I don’t know… I guess I hope this will turn into more. But I’m not ready to let this out yet. I think Camden is still unsure about some things.”

“With the team?”

“Yeah, and he has to work through that on his own. I’ll follow his pace.”

“Nothing wrong with that.” Brienne squeezes my hand gently. “You’ve got me cheering you on.”

“I’m so glad to have you as a friend.” I stand, packing up my laptop and planner in my leather satchel. “Let me know of any further changes and I’ll update the agenda.”

Brienne stands too. “Want to grab some lunch later? I’ll see if Jenna wants to come too. Maybe Kiera can meet us.”

It’s with true regret that I decline. I’ve enjoyed our lunches and getting to know other women associated with the team. “Um… I can’t today.”

“Plans already?” she asks with enough innuendo that she knows exactly why I can’t join her.

“Something like that.” I wink and head out of her office.



Ican’t believeI’m this nervous, but my hands are shaking as I ring the doorbell to Camden’s condo.
