Page 79 of Camden

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“It doesn’t matter to me. I’m confident that I should be able to move on with my life in any way I see fit. I loved Mitch with all my heart and I love his memory. That will never change. But I’m allowed to be happy again, and I will be. I’m just afraid it’s not going to be with Camden.”

“The whole teammate thing is the complicating factor,” Kiera muses, then nibbles on her scone. She licks crumbs off her lips. “I wonder if he’s talked to any of them. I mean, I know for one, Drake would never have a problem with you two dating. I bet most would be fine with it.”

“I think you’re right, especially since most of Mitch’s friends…” I trail off, not needing to say the words. The fact is, this is a new team with only Camden, Hendrix and Coen remaining from the original Titans roster. If anyone would think Camden is crossing a line he shouldn’t, it would be one of those guys.

“It’s nobody’s fucking business who we allow into our hearts, Danica.”

“I know. I agree.”

“Camden should know it too.”

“He knows it,” I say quietly, telling her the thing that hurts the most. “He knows it and believes it, but he’s too afraid to go for it.”

“Then fuck him,” she grouses. “Metaphorically, of course.”

I settle back into my chair, crossing my arms over my stomach. “I can’t be mad, though. I understand why he’s nervous about the entire situation. It’s a legit worry.”

Shaking her head, Kiera drops the rest of the scone onto the plate. “Those things are dry as fuck.” She takes the napkin and wipes her fingers before dabbing at her lips. “I’m confused. Are we mad at him or not?”

I can’t help but laugh. “I’m not mad. Disappointed. Also understanding. Sad. Worried I made a bad decision in parting ways.”

“Now I understand why you said you’re fucked in the head.”

I pick up my tea and sip. When I settle the cup back on the saucer, I voice my biggest fear. “What if… what if the reason he doesn’t want anyone to know is that this isn’t serious for him? I’m… convenient.”

I hate that tears prick at my eyes. Last night at the party, the way Camden acted made me think that I’m just a convenient fuck. That I misread the feelings and our connection.

It made me feel used and cheap and that’s the real reason I bolted from Tillie and Coen’s house.

“Do you really believe that?” Kiera asks quietly. “Because you’re a good judge of character, Danica. I don’t know that you could miss something like that, and Camden seems like a nice guy.”

I shrug because I don’t know what’s real anymore. “I told him if he changes his mind… he knows where to find me.”

“Well, there you go.” Her voice is overly cheery. “He’ll come around.”

“And if he doesn’t, then I’ll know that it wasn’t as special as I thought it was.”

“So what’s the plan?” Kiera asks, crossing her arms on the table. “Do we set you up with someone hot and rub it in his face? Drive him wild with jealousy so he knows what he lost?”

My snort is loud and unladylike. “While that does sound fun, you know I’m not the type to do that. I think I’m going to have to move on from the loss, the same way I did after Mitch died. While it’s two different circumstances, it still hurts.”

Kiera takes my hand and squeezes. “I’m sorry. You don’t deserve this and I know you’re not, but I’m mad at him.”

I flex my fingers against hers, a silent thank-you for her support. When I pull away, I ask, “You still casually banging Bain?”

Her eyes flash mischievously. “Every chance I can.”

“Is that going anywhere?”

“Nah,” she drawls with a wave of her hand. “We’re just having fun and neither of us is interested in commitment.”

“Are you both seeing other people too?” I ask. Because I’m not sure how playing the field works from a woman’s perspective. Never had experience with serial dating, and it’s the stereotype that men are the ones who sow their oats.

“Who needs other people? Bain is a beast and more than enough for me to handle.”

My jaw drops slightly, not only from the shocking nature of her words but the raw lust in her voice when she talks about him. If the feelings I have for Camden—both physical and non-physical—had a sound, that’s what it would be.

“Does Drake know or have any clue?”
