Page 4 of Beast

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“How long will it take you to get here?” A wave of dizziness hit Marcus, and he nearly stumbled into a group of people.

“Ten minutes, top,” Beast said.

Marcus clutched his phone tightly as he made his way over to the bar, feeling unsteady on his feet. He glanced over his shoulder and saw that Max was still following him.

“Hey, douchebag, I said I’m not interested!” Marcus shouted, trying to draw attention to them.

But Max didn’t seem to care who was watching. He just kept closing in on Marcus until, finally, he pinned Marcus against the wall.

“Come on, pretty boy, let me take you home,” Max said, his breath hot on Marcus’s neck.

Marcus’s head was spinning, and he knew he needed help. He pulled out his phone again and hit redial.

“Beast, where are you? I can’t—” Marcus’s words were cut off as Max yanked the phone from his hand and threw it. It slid away from him but stopped right by one of the stools.

“That’s enough of those games.” Max sneered, grabbing Marcus by the hair and pulling him closer. “You’re mine now.”

Before Marcus could even open his mouth to scream, he was yanked through a side door.

Chapter Two

Beast walked back inside Club Lure, going straight to the bar, but he didn’t see Marcus. There was no way in hell he would be able to scent for Marcus, not with so many people packed in one place.

He headed back to the door and asked the bouncer, Ramon, if he’d seen the human. “He has blond hair and green eyes.”

Ramon looked at Beast like he was daft. “Do you know how many blond humans come through the door on any given night?”

“He called me saying someone drugged his drink,” Beast snarled. “Are you going to help me find him or remain a paperweight at the door?”

The owner of Club Lure, a vampire named Kellam, didn’t tolerate bullshit in his club, and Ramon wouldn’t hesitate to help if he thought someone had been drugged. “Let’s find him.”

Ramon and Beast searched every corner of the interior, but there was no sign of Marcus. The longer they looked, the more Beast’s sense of urgency grew. He knew something was wrong.

“Maybe he stepped outside for some air?” Ramon suggested.

Beast shook his head. “I told him not to leave the bar area.”

“Wait, I remember seeing someone grab a phone and toss it across the room,” Ramon said, pointing to a corner of the club. “Arguments happen all the time, so I didn’t think anything of it.”

Beast’s heart sank as he recognized Marcus’s phone on the floor by one of the stools. It was the only phone case he had ever seen that was bright orange and sparkled with diamonds. Gawdy in his opinion, but it wasn’t Beast who had to live with it.

Without another word, Beast rushed over to the phone and picked it up, the screen cracked and unresponsive. He had a feeling that he knew who had done this. More to the point, what had done this.

“Come on,” Beast growled to Ramon. “We need to find him.”

As soon as they stepped outside, Beast caught Marcus’s scent. It was faint, but it was there. They followed it down an alleyway, and that was when they saw him.

Max was bent over Marcus’s body, his fangs still buried in Marcus’s neck.

Beast didn’t even think before he lunged at Max, ripping him off of Marcus. He shouldn’t have done that. Max’s fangs could have ripped out Marcus’s throat, but his wolf had taken over and he’d simply reacted.

He drove his fist into the vampire’s gut, knocking the wind out of him. Max recovered quickly and tried to attack, but Beast threw several more punches that would have killed a human. He bared his canines, slugging Max in his jaw.

Max stumbled back, hitting the brick wall. He shook his head, wiped the blood from his lip, and smiled as Ramon bent and checked on Marcus.

“Nice to see you, hunter.” Max smirked. “I’m going to make you pay for interrupting my dinner.”

Extending his claws, Beast drove them into Max’s chest, ripping out the fucker’s heart. The vampire’s eyes widened as he looked down at the carnage. Then he crumpled to the ground. Beast turned his attention to Marcus.
