Page 22 of Brewing Brilliance

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“Um Ser, what do you mean?” She just cackles and goes back to getting stuff ready for the day, but I have to know what she meant by that.

“Seraphine.” I don’t even realize I am using my teacher voice until she stops and gives me a raised eyebrow and immediately starts smirking.

“That right there,” she waves her finger in the direction of me with my hands on my hips. “You never would’ve come at me with that tone, but I can tell you’re a little on edge, so I’ll give you a break. The hubs decided to surprise me with dinner out last night to celebrate the first day back. I swear I had no idea he was taking me there, but I’m so glad I got to see you two together.”

“By the shocked as hell look on your face, I can tell that you had no idea I was even there, and that alone speaks volumes to how good of a date that really was. I’m honestly surprised your sisters haven’t blown your phone up, yet. I may or may not have snagged a picture and sent it to them.”


“What!?! I knew I’d need proof for them to believe me that Maverick might actually be good for you. Anyone who has eyes could tell that you were both so far gone for each other last night. There’s no way that it was all fake and I’m going to need all the help I can get to convince you of that.”

“I don’t even know how to handle that. I can’t believe you took a picture and sent it to my sisters!”

“Look, we’re about to be bombarded with kiddos. I’m sorry if that broke the friend code or I’ve upset you, but I’m loving this version of you, so I did what I thought was best for you.”

“I just don’t even know how to handle any of this. I’m annoyed with you, but not mad. I get what you’re saying, I just need a little time to wrap my head around everything.” Before either of us can say anything else, we hear the sound of hundreds of little feet and squeals of laughter of the kids getting to school for the day.

Before I realize it, it’s lunch and I’m dreading having to get something from the cafeteria because I left mine at home when I rushed out this morning. At least they started carrying salads for the teachers.

Seraphine and I are just about to head out when the secretary pages me to come to the office. Imagine my shock when I walk in and see Maverick standing there. He smiles and holds up a bag and I about melt on the spot.

“Hey Sweets, I thought I’d bring you some lunch since I have to work again tonight and then I’m on Pat duty tomorrow and probably won’t get to see you.” He smiles and grabs my hand pulling me into him. I can’t help but nuzzle into his chest and melt a little more when I feel his lips press against my forehead.

“Thank you so much. That was so sweet of you, and this is the best surprise, especially since I forgot my lunch today.” I stand on my tip toes and give him a quick kiss. I’m still wrapped in his arms when someone bumps me from behind.

“Oh, sorry. I was just trying to squeeze by. I didn’t mean to bump into you.” I’m instantly annoyed when I realize it’s Aileen. I can’t tell if Maverick is as well, or he’s afraid I’m going to say something, but he pulls me back into him and gives my hip a little squeeze.

I can’t help but laugh at Seraphine when she coughs "bullshit"under her breath. Aileen whips around, but Sera acts as if she didn’t say anything at all. Either realizing we all know she ran into me on purpose, or just being over the situation, Aileen storms out of the office.

“Well, that was interesting.” I can feel Maverick laughing but trying to keep it down and I instantly relax.

“Thanks again for lunch, babe. If I want to enjoy it, we should probably head to the staff room to eat.”

“No problem. Call me later, Sweets.” He gives me another quick kiss before heading out.

“Don’t even start!” Seraphine is grinning ear to ear, but I can tell she thoroughly enjoyed that whole interaction.

“Not going to say a thing other than the break room should be interesting.” We head out and she isn’t wrong.

The rest of the week goes pretty much the same with Maverick sending me one kind of surprise or another at school, but it’s after school that he’s breaking down my walls more and more. On the nights he works, we text as much as possible and the night that he had Pat, we face timed. I don’t know who was more excited, Maverick or Pat, but they were both adorable and it was amazing to see their dynamic.

I was falling more and more and I knew I needed to talk to someone about how I am feeling, so I took the plunge and asked my sister’s if they wanted to go on a hike. Thankfully they were both free Saturday so they could help me get my head on straight before taking Mav for a hike on Sunday. Emerson volunteered to drive since the weather is still holding on to summer temps. She has a sweet jeep that she’s been fixing up and tricking out for the past few years and it’s going to be the perfect temperature to take the top and doors off.

I wake up early Saturday excited to spend some time with my sisters. It’s been too long since we’ve all gotten together and I desperately need their advice on the Maverick situation. I know they are going to give me so much crap when I tell them about my one night stand with Maverick, but I hope they get over it quick enough so that I can get their advice on what Maverick wants from our situation.

While I try to kill some time waiting for my sisters, I pack us some snacks, water, and make sure I have extra sunscreen for once we make it to the falls. Inevitably, we’ll all end up taking a dip in the water to cool off from the hike. It’s always cold, but so refreshing. The falls we like to go to is more off the beaten path, so we usually have it all to ourselves. It’s also deep enough that we are able to swim easily. I add an extra towel to my bag because chances are high that Em will forget hers.

Ten minutes after she’s supposed to pick me up, I hear country music blasting as Emerson flies up my road before whipping into my driveway. She honks her horn and doesn’t stop until she sees me step out of my front door.

“Woohoo! Let’s go Spence! Times a wastin on this gorgeous day.” Emerson is standing on her seat with her arms leaning on the trim of the windshield bouncing up and down because she can’t contain her excitement. She’s always been a bundle of energy and I’m thankful that hasn’t changed even though we’re adults now.

“Sit your ass down, ya crazy. If Spencer’s neighbors were still sleeping, they aren’t now with your loud mouth.” Chayse swats Emerson’s ass from the back seat and they both dissolve into giggles.

“Well, Chayse, if you weren’t so busy doing the hanky panky with your hunky man, I wouldn’t have been ten minutes late to pick up our always punctual older sister.”

“Oh, don’t even act like you still wouldn’t have ended up being late even if I were on time. Hell, I told Cash we had a few more minutes and he didn’t argue since you’ve never been on time once since he’s known you.”

Emerson flops down in her seat as I climb in the passenger side beside her before she whips around to stick her tongue out at Chayse. Their teasing used to drive me nuts because it always seemed like they were at each other constantly, but I finally learned it’s their love language. They both tease me too, but not nearly as much as they do each other. I lean back in my seat as I listen to them bicker, and I don’t even realize how much tension I’ve been holding until I feel myself relax the closer we get to our hiking trail.
