Page 6 of Brewing Brilliance

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If I’m being honest, the kitchen is why I ended up buying this house. The couple who lived here before were elderly, but she loved to host her kids and grandkids and have a big Sunday dinner. For their 50th anniversary, her husband had the wall to the study knocked out and expanded the kitchen into the ultimate host/entertainer's dreams.

The walls are a stark white with subway tiles as a backsplash above the lower set of cabinets and appliances. The oven is professional grade with a six burner stovetop. The rest of the appliances are all a sleek gray stainless steel. The counters are a beautiful white concrete with the cabinets offsetting all the white in a gorgeous olive green and gold handles.

I can’t help but smile at her taking in every detail. It’s pretty obvious that Spencer is in love with this kitchen, and I could guess it’s because she’d like to get her hands on it and start cooking up a storm. I slowly make my way back towards her to see if I can pull her the rest of the way into the space.

“Like what you see?” I lean in and whisper in her ear instantly making her jump. I can’t help but let out a little chuckle. I’m shocked when she back hands me in the stomach pulling a full laugh out of me.

“You scared me!” She's facing me now with her hands on her hips and eyebrows furrowed. I can only imagine this is exactly how she looks when she’s scolding her students, and I can’t deny that it's making me a little hot. I didn’t realize I had a teacher fantasy, but with sweet Spencer, I think it could definitely work.

“Sorry, sweets. Even if I said your name, I’m pretty sure I would have startled you. I think you might have been drooling a little bit while you checked out my kitchen.” I hand her the beer and she rolls her eyes at me as she takes a swig.

“Can you blame me? This kitchen is like my dream kitchen. Which makes sense seeing as you are a professionally trained chef. Oooh, this one is sooo good. Is that fruit I taste? It’s kind of tart, but it would be perfect on a hot summer day.”

I can’t help but get a little hard at the noises she makes and the satisfaction she gets from my latest creation. People enjoying the food and beer I make is like my own love language.

“Yeah, it’s got lemon in it. I didn’t really think about it being for the summer, but you definitely have a point. Olive doesn’t love beer, but she is a wine girl. I know my beer will never be like wine per say, but this was my attempt at something fruity and light that her, and others might like who aren’t beer people.”

“Well, I think people are going to love it and it’s incredibly sweet that you made something in hopes that your sister would like it. So, what’s the verdict?”

“Well, this is the third batch, and she gave this one a glowing review so now I just need to wait until one of my other batches is done and I can work on making it in a larger scale.”

“That’s really cool.”

“Thanks. So, you seem to like my brews, but I can only ever remember seeing you a few times at the bar. What’s up with that?”

“Oh, nothing other than wrangling twenty tiny humans all day is exhausting. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job and it’s super fulfilling, but they have so much energy. Most of the time I go home after the day and I don’t leave my house after that. I would occasionally go out with Brant or my sisters, but they all know that I’m a little bit of a homebody.”

“I totally get that. I mean, not being exhausted because of tiny crotch goblins, but I understand the exhaustion part. Starting a new business from scratch is a lot of long, tiresome hours.”

“That’s part of the reason I fell in love with this kitchen and the house. I needed to have a fully functioning menu ready for when the bar was opening. I didn’t have a finished kitchen to work in, so I used this one. Besides, being able to create in my own space works better for me these days. Don’t get me wrong, I love being in a professional grade kitchen that’s run like a well oiled machine, but I don’t love how compulsive I can become when I am in that space.”

I stop talking once I realize I’ve been rambling for a minute. I don’t know what has gotten into me. For one, I usually don’t bring my one night stands to my house, and I never talk this much, let alone about something as personal as this. But there’s just something about Spencer that puts me at ease in a way I haven’t been for a long time.

I need to find a way to get this night back on track but I’m not sure how to do that. Fortunately, when I look back up at Spencer the gaze she is giving me is heated. I’m not sure why she’s reacting this way, but I’ll gladly take the out from sharing so much personal shit with someone I hardly know. I put my hand on her hip and tug her to me.

“What’s that look for, Sweets?”

I trail my finger down her neck towards her collar bone. Her breath picks up as I feel a tremble move through her.

“I just find your competence talking about the business you’ve built from the ground up sexy as hell. You’ve accomplished a lot in a short period of time and it’s extremely impressive.” She slides her hands up my chest and wraps them around my neck as she leans into my body fully. I can’t help but bend down and capture her mouth.

The kiss is hot as fuck and quickly builds. My hands are all over her body as I slowly grind my hard cock into her hot heat. I can already tell she’s wet from the heat radiating off her center. Spencer is just as crazed as I am as she slides her hands under my shirt and caresses my abs. Slowly, she moves her arms up and I help her rip my shirt off.

As much as I want to lay her out on my kitchen island, I know that we’d run the risk of being interrupted by Olive walking in. She always has free access to me and my house at all times. And seeing as how I never bring women back here, she wouldn’t think twice about the strange car parked out back.

I dip down and grab Spencer’s ass as I hoist her up. She lets out a little squeak, but quickly wraps her legs and arms around me and holds on tight. I head to the stairs off the kitchen taking them two at a time as I make my way to my master bedroom.

I kick the door shut behind me as I toss Spencer on the bed. She lets out a laugh as her face flushes an even darker pink. I can’t help but smirk as I kick off my shoes and pop the buttons on my jeans. Spencer licks her lips as she scoots up the bed.

I crawl up her body and gently nip and kiss her all over. I can’t fucking wait to get her out of her clothes. I pause at her center as I run my nose up her length and take a big inhale, making sure all the while she can see exactly what I’m doing. Her eyes roll back, and I can’t help but groan. I pop her jeans open and slowly drag them, along with her sexy as fuck lace panties, down her legs.

Before I get any higher, Spencer is sitting up ripping her shirt over her head. She quickly reaches behind her and unclasps her bra. Fuck, her tits are perfect and bigger than I realized. They’re a solid handful with perfect rose nipples that are standing straight up for me. She shocks the hell out of me as she slides her hands across her chest and starts playing with her nipples. I can’t help but groan and grab my aching dick at the sight of her bared in front of me.

I shuck my jeans and boxers and hear a squeak come from Spencer. I’m not huge, but I’m definitely above average in the dick department. The reverse prince albert piercing I have makes things even more interesting. Her hand reaches down almost on it’s own accord before she abruptly pulls it back.

“See something you like, Sweets?”

“Obviously, but I’m more curious about that piercing. I’ve never seen anyone with one. Can I touch it?”
