Page 42 of That Next Moment

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I need you to explain to me what you’re up to. Mrs. Karrs just informed me that she had a conversation with you. You really think you can clear this? I need to know what is going on.

I slammed the laptop closed as soon as it sent and stared at the kitchen in front of me. If this could be gone, if what she said was true, I could do anything. I could even. . .

My brain began to race at a million miles an hour. I jumped from working at their small law firm to opening my own accounting business. . .

In New York.

“Nope, don't go there, Clayton,” I grumbled to myself.

“Don’t go where?” Milo’s voice came from the front door, as he walked through with Elliot.

I watched them both. With my mind going faster than the speed of sound, I hadn’t heard the door open.

I sighed. “Nowhere.”

“Oh, good, ’cause we are having a guys’ night.” Elliot smiled, placing a six pack on the counter.

“No offense but. . .” I began.

“Oh, total offense. This is my only night off this week, and there’s a game to be played. I need to relive my teenage years by beating your asses atCall of Duty,” Elliot said, grabbing his first beer from the case.

Milo shrugged a shoulder as his phone rang from his pocket.

“No,” Elliot shouted. “No girls.”

“It’s Holly.” Milo glared at him.

“Okay fine,” Elliot mumbled. “Tell her we say hi.”

Milo rolled his eyes, stepping into his bedroom to take the call from his daughter.

“How much have you had to drink already?”I asked Elliot.

“None. Truth be told, I’m not much of a drinker, but this seemed fitting.”

“Getting drunk and playingCall of Duty?”

“Just being normal for once,” he mumbled.

“Normal?” I leaned on the counter, crossing my arms, my tie folding up on the counter.

“When you own a company and try to be a rockstar at the same time, life can get a little overwhelming.”

I shrugged. “So pick one.”

Elliot pointed at me and hummed. “Wish I could, my friend. Wish. I. Could.”

Elliot left the kitchen and fell onto the couch, grabbing the Xbox remote that had been sitting on the coffee table. The man looked stressed, not the same fun Elliot I saw performing on stage. He had a weight behind his eyes. How could he turn it off and on so easily? Was it the job that took it out of him or the performing? It couldn’t be the singing. He was so carefree and alive on the stage. It had to be the job.

“How’s your job search going?” he asked, taking a drink of his beer before turning to me.

“Slow, I had an interview today, but I don't think anything will come of it.”

“You know I may have—”

“Okay, sorry.” Milo burst back in the room, placing his phone on the peninsula. “Holly had to tell me all about the coast today. She said she’s building quite the magnet collection for Madeline. What are we playing?”

“Black Ops,”Elliot answered, his train of thought ending once Milo sat next to him. “Clay just told me I had to pick my job or my singing career.”
