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Oh I hated this, I wanted nothing to do with any of it.

But even as she made her way past the males, she was weaving a path toward me. A pull I felt deep in my chest, a lingering feeling that had always been my way of finding her.

The crowd was closing in on her. They had her turned around in the other direction, she was lost in the sea of Fae. Her head turned then, her eyes scanning the crowd. My heart sputtered the moment her eyes found mine. Her bright green eyes were stunning. My blood heated, rushing through me forcing my breath to catch itself in my throat.

She was breathtaking.

The one thing I had sworn would never happen. The only thing I diligently tried to avoid, would not allow himself to feel. The one thing I’d given up on so long ago.


Her lips parted as her eyes searched mine. I could hear her heart as it sped up, my ears tuning into her pulse. The bodice of her dress hugged her curves, her breasts. The sharp angles of her décolletage.

What I wouldn’t give to kiss the column of her neck. The soft spot behind her ear. To hear her sigh at the tender touch of my fingers as they undressed her or the feel of her lips on my own. The pang in my heart stopped me from stepping forward, what I wouldn’t give to hear her laugh again, to smile at me as she had others.

I wanted so desperately to visit the human man who broke her. Took from her, taunted her, assaulted her, bound her with threats and promises. It took everything in me not to go back, to tear him from limb to limb. Show him what real nightmares were, make him suffer in his own darkness.

If only they had known.

No one knew, not one person in her village knew what she was capable of. Of who she was. At that moment, I knew. The truth was ever present, hovering over me this entire time. Fate had played and it had won. Now I would burn the world for her and there was nothing that could stop me. I’d only be denying myself if I did. The one thing I did not want to happen. This beautiful female was going to be my undoing.

And I’d fallen for her.


The crowd parted for him. His presence forced them to skitter out of the way as he held my gaze. Slowly, his eyes roved over me, taking in the ballgown, the gloves, the crystal slippers and the twinkle of the skirts as it moved. Before landing on my neck. Sending a shiver down my spine, his gaze was penetrating.

What I wouldn't give to know what he was thinking.

His hair was sleekly pulled back, secured at the nape of his neck, while a dark silver crown of vines and leaves adorned his brow. He exuded an air of darkness and mystery, with his dark polished boots and black trousers. His muscled chest was embraced by a deep ocean blue satin doublet, perfectly tailored to his form. A velvet jacket of the same color, intricately embroidered in silver with delicate swirling vines, completed his ensemble.

The attention to detail extended to the cuffs of his attire, which were adorned with extravagant embroidery. A pair of black diamond cufflinks held them in place, their brilliance capturing the essence of the stars. In every aspect, he appeared magnificent. The same words that had consumed my thoughts for days resurfaced, acknowledging his captivating presence.

Cruel and cunning.

But beautiful and alluring.

My heart raced as I gazed upon this captivating creature before me. Every fiber of my being was drawn to him, an undeniable magnetic pull that defied explanation. There was a sense of familiarity in his presence, a hint of danger lurking beneath it all. The very thought of losing myself in his arms sent shivers down my spine, igniting a fire within me that I couldn't resist. Words seemed inadequate to express the intensity of my desires, but the longing in my eyes and the quickening of my breath spoke volumes. Despite his appearance, he was darkness incarnate.

He was Death.

And it made my heart skip.

As he neared, a trail of shadows and smoke followed him, coiling at his feet like obedient serpents. He stood before me, tall and imposing, with an outstretched hand that seemed to beckon me closer. The tips of his fingers were wreathed in a dark cloud of smoke and shadow, coiling and dancing around them like playful sprites. With each subtle movement, they twisted and turned, as if they had a life of their own. I couldn't help but be drawn in by the hypnotic display, my eyes locked on the mysterious figure before me.

An invitation.

“Dance with me, Serra?” he inquired, his voice a velvety caress that ran along my bones. With a slight bow at the waist, his eyes fixed upon me with an intensity that pierced through my very soul. They glimmered with a mischievous allure, a playful dance of desire that stirred something deep within me.

My breath had caught itself, I could not breathe. The air crackled with anticipation as I considered his request, his gaze urging me to surrender to the allure of the moment. Slowly I place my hand in his, letting him lead me into the center of the room. The musicians picked up the next song. A waltz. The same one we had danced to before.

I felt the heat of his hand through my bodice as he placed it on my lower back. His eyes cut through me as he held my gaze. Never blinking away, never dropping below my neck. My heart thundered in my chest as the music played. Up and down through the notes, the Goblin King led me through the steps.

He never spoke.

He didn’t need to. His eyes locked onto mine. This close I could see the dark rings around his irises. A symbol of his shadows, even as they trailed in his wake. We twirled in endless dance steps, his hand on my back as he guided us across the floor. The waltz coming to its crescendo. I didn’t want this to end. I prayed and wished that this moment would freeze. That I could hold on to this Fae male and he onto me.

I would give anything for it.
