Page 22 of Winter at Stonefire

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She nodded, thanked Samira, and then allowed Layla to take her to a small examination room. The dragon-shifter doctor gestured for Kaylee to sit down and then asked, "What's wrong?"

Shifting in her seat, she debated how to answer. Layla would have to tell Finn, and Kaylee didn't know what the Lochguard leader would do.

The doctor leaned in closer and then gasped. Layla moved back so she could see Kaylee's eyes again. "You're pregnant with a dragon-shifter's bairn?"

She muttered, "I thought only male dragons could smell it."

Layla lifted a dark brow. "I'm a doctor, remember? We're trained to pick up the scent when most female dragons wouldn't notice it. At least, not right away." She crossed her arms over her chest and asked, "Who's the father?"

She sighed. "I don't know." Then she straightened up, remembering she had someone else to fight for now. "But I'm keeping him or her, regardless."

Layla frowned. "You don't know who the father is?"

She bit her lip, but there was a knock at the door, followed by Dr. Gregor Innes's voice. "Can I come in?"

Layla replied, "Aye."

Once the tall, older doctor was in the room, he shut the door and looked her over with concern. Even though Gregor lived on Stonefire now, Kaylee had known him back when he lived on Lochguard. He'd delivered her sister's first baby, Jamie.

Gregor asked, "What's wrong, Kaylee?"

Layla didn't miss a beat. "She's pregnant and doesn't know the father. But I scented dragon-shifter, so there's that."

Kaylee's cheeks burned as Gregor approached her. "It's a long shot, but if you'll allow me, I might be able to pick up a scent. If I've ever met him, I should be able to place it."

She put her hands over her cheeks and closed her eyes, feeling beyond embarrassed. "Go for it."

Gregor came closer, and after a moment, he blurted, "When did you meet Maelon?"

Kaylee opened her eyes. "Who?"

"Dr. Maelon Perry, Snowridge's doctor. It's his scent mixed with yours. I know for sure it's him because he's here. Just like fingerprints, a dragon's scent is unique."

The blood drained from her face. "He's here?"

Gregor nodded. "Shall I fetch him?"

Kaylee's heart pounded in her chest as she tried to process Gregor's words. Yes, she'd dreamed of seeing the masked, dark-haired dragonman again. However, she hadn't expected him to be here, of all places. And his weird accent made sense now—he was Welsh.

Although was that better? Did it really matter?

She was more than aware she was putting off her answer, but her mind was a jumble. The whole point of the masquerade had been to keep their identities secret. Would Maelon be angry? Aloof? Dismiss her?

There was a small, very small, chance he might want to get to know her. And yet, if he rejected her, it would sting.

Kaylee looked at each doctor in turn, trying to figure out how to answer. However, Layla's gentle voice garnered her attention. "You should probably tell him, Kaylee. I don't know what you two will do, but sooner or later, the DDA will ask about it. And they'll require you to reveal the father. Wouldn't it be better to let him hear it from you first?"

She glanced down at her hands. Her sister had always cautioned that her rash behavior and reckless decisions would catch up with her. Kaylee had tried her best to be better in Scotland, but one slip up had undone all that. Gina would be beyond disappointed in her, and that would probably be the worst thing of all since her sister's opinion mattered more to her than anyone else in the world.

Layla touched her arm, and Kaylee met her flashing dragon eyes. The doctor said softly, "Maelon's a nice enough bloke, and handsome as well. He wouldn't hurt you, lass. If that's what you're afraid of."

Kaylee shook her head. "I never felt threatened by him. That's not it."

True enough, she'd felt comfortable which is why she'd ended up having a one-night stand with the guy. As a rule, she didn't do that.

Now she understood why she shouldn't have.

Layla asked, "Then what is it?"
