Page 31 of Alpha Daddy

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I call and set up an appointment at the clinic for the following day, knowing it’ll take every bit of the money I have plus tonight’s tips to be seen, but I have to go. If anything is going to happen between Alessandro and I–which is a very real possibility if I keep staying over–I have to present like a beta. No heat, no slick, and no perfume.

It’s an exhausting list of attributes to keep under control, but I convince myself it’s all worth it. If he finds out I’m an omega, things would change drastically. The dynamic between us would be ruined because he wouldn’t be able to control himself, just like the alphas I’ve met in the past. So far, he’s proved me wrong on multiple occasions, but I’m not taking any risks.

Besides, there’s still a chance he has no interest in me at all and I’m severely overthinking things.I’d rather be safe than sorry.

When the sheets are washed and the guest bed is made, I slip out of the house before the maid is supposed to show up. I walk briskly to my car, not sure how I feel about the neighbors seeing me do a faux walk of shame as I hurry out of the neighborhood. I can’t imagine what I would say to the maid if she showed up while I was there.

What am I supposed to tell her?I’m his daughter? His niece? A random girl he found on the street and decided to let stay the night?

No. I wouldn’t be able to keep a straight face lying to anyone about it, so I drive into town and wait in my car a few blocks from Sal’s until it’s time to clock in.

As I make my way down the sidewalk, there’s already a smile on my face at the thought of seeing Alessandro again, and I hate it.I literally just saw him this morning.

I hate the way he occupies my mind every time I let it wander, how no matter how much time has passed, I always look forward to the moment I’ll see him again.

The attachment I’m forming is scary, making my stomach somersault with nerves as questions bloom to life between thoughts of him.

Will he be glad to see me too? Will he pretend I don’t exist so no one suspects I slept at his house? Has he told anyone about the sleeping arrangement last night, or will that really remain entirely between us?

My stomach flutters again as I pull open the door to the restaurant, and his scent is the first thing to hit my nose, not the warm garlic bread floating on the air, or the spaghetti sauce dancing along behind it. The strong, rustic combination of dark liquor and a smoky campfire that sets my blood ablaze the more I think about it.

I take a deep breath.Jessa, get a grip.

I have to stop these salacious thoughts. Otherwise, I’ll be pining for my boss by the end of the night, and, considering I don’t want to stay at his house again, that’s a terrible idea.

Clinic appointment, heat suppressant,thenI can just go with the flow and see what happens, but not a minute sooner.

“Jessa!” Sara, the hostess, says, grinning at me from her post. “How are you today?”

I return her smile, thankful for the momentary distraction from my thoughts of Alessandro and the chance to clear my head. Soon, I’ll be sweeping through the dining room, chatting with regular guests and taking orders with more than enough distractions to keep me busy.

I’ll slip into the routine of fake smiles and fake flirting. I’ll work my ass off to make as many tips as possible so I can afford the suppressant shot tomorrow.

But I also know I’ll try to catch Alessandro’s eye from behind the bar. I won’t be able to fight my smile every time our eyes meet, and I’ll bat my eyelashes in his direction. Even as I think about it, I can feel the weight of his gaze on me.

My skin tingles, heat prickling my cheeks, and I look up slowly, eyes crawling toward the corner of the room where I know he’ll be.

Instantly, our eyes connect, and I melt on the spot, my insides turning to jello. Gods, I never want him to stop looking at me that way, with the intensity of his gaze ripping through me. A heartbeat pulses to life between my thighs, and I reluctantly force my eyes away.

“I’m good. Ready to make some money,” I whisper excitedly, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.Because clearly, I’m going to lose my damn mind if I don’t get those suppressants as soon as possible.

“You’ll be in section one again tonight,” Sara says. “I hope that’s okay.”

I nod curtly. I’m more than fine with that.

She can have the big party tables, and I can retrace yesterday’s steps, getting more comfortable with my role here in the restaurant. I might not have ever waited tables before, but I don’t think I’ve done a horrible job so far. The patrons seem to like me, and they leave me decent tips, so if I can do that again, my clinic appointment will be covered.

“Yeah, sounds great.”

I clock in at the front computer and head to the kitchen to wash my hands and put on my apron. The lead chef, Ronaldo, winks at me from behind the line, and I offer him a goofy wave. He’s silly and sweet, and I think he and Sara would make a cute couple if she were interested in dating.

Making a mental note to ask her about it later, I head back out to the dining room. There’s nothing wrong with playing matchmaker while trying to work up the courage to ask Alessandro questions I’m dying to know the answers to.

What would he say if I just came out and asked him if he was interested? Would it make everything super awkward between us, or would something good come from it?

My eyes naturally gravitate toward the bar where Alessandro has a shaker in his hand, but I quickly look away as my first table is sat. It’s going to be a long night if I keep entertaining the thought of confronting him, but I can’t help it. I’m already coming up with a dozen best case scenarios when he waves me over, and my stomach pitches toward the floor.
