Page 81 of Alpha Daddy

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“I feel,” I attempt, my throat closing in on itself as I take a shaky breath. Why the fuck is this so hard?

Oh right.

I’m an omega in hiding and being with him means I would have to come clean about my designation. I’d have to come clean about everything.

Is that even possible at this point? Have I dug my hole so deep that I can’t possibly salvage our relationship once the truth comes out?

“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” he assures me, reaching over to brush his fingers along my cheek. Electricity erupts beneath his touch, setting my skin on fire, and I don't want him to stop.

“No, it’s not that, I just…” I say, shifting uncomfortably as he draws back. “I feel safe with you. That’s more than I’ve had in a long time.”

He smirks. “Good. I want you to feel safe with me. Does being with me make you…happy?” His voice wavers on the last word like he’s unsure if he wants to press more for answers, but I don’t have to think about it.

I nod. “It does. I just don’t want you to feel like you have to take care of me. I can take care of myself.”

“I know that,” he says. “You’re incredibly strong and perfectly capable. I just want to take some of the burden off your shoulders. Life gets heavy after carrying everything alone for so long.”

I swallow hard, emotions creeping up and heating my skin. Our conversation is slowly diving deeper, and I’m not sure I’m ready for what’s to come. What else could he want to tell me?

It’s probably best to wait a little longer. I know I’ve had weeks to figure out what I want and see whether there’s a future buried somewhere among the lies and odds stacked against us, but I’m still unsure, still afraid.

Growing increasingly uncomfortable, I change the subject.

“How’s your breakfast?” I clear my throat, finally grabbing for my fork.

If I don’t hurry up and eat, my pancakes are going to be cold, and all my work will have been for nothing. Well, almost nothing, because Alessandro seems to be enjoying his.

“They’re amazing,” he says. “I don’t think I could have done better myself.”

His compliment warms my cheeks, and I fight a smile. “Thank you. I might have a few more tricks up my sleeve if you let me cook for you more.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” He smirks and takes another bite.

We finish the rest of breakfast in silence, and after a few seconds of arguing, Alessandro ultimately wins out and washes the dishes.

Then, he drags me back upstairs and pulls me into bed, where I snuggle against his chest for a while. It’s calming, peaceful, and I’m able to lose myself for a few blissful minutes.

I forget about the note I found on my car and the responsibilities waiting for me outside this room. I forget about my persisting homelessness and the shift I have to work in a handful of hours. I let everything slip away and exist contently while Alessandro rubs his fingers up and down my arm.

“You have to leave for work soon, don’t you?” I ask, checking the time on my phone. It won’t be long before the restaurant opens.

“I do,” he sighs. “But I’d much rather stay here with you all day.”

I smile. The thought sounds lovely, but I know he hates leaving Damon in charge of the restaurant, especially during the peak hours.

“Me too,” I say, although I know I need to work my shift. I need the hours and the tips if I ever hope to get a place of my own. I have a chunk saved up from the last few weeks, nearly enough to put a deposit down on an apartment, but I still don’t have enough for rent and utilities.

The thought of having my own place is lovely, and I get excited every time I think about it, but it’s getting harder and harder to leave Alessandro’s house every time I’m here.

If I just agreed to move in, I wouldn’t have to worry about rent at all.

The thought comes out of nowhere, making my stomach backflip, and I shove the thought away.

“Do you want to take the day off?” he asks. “If you wanted to stay away from downtown today, I wouldn’t blame you. It’s what I would do.”

Damn.I haven’t thought about the fact that I’ll be parking downtown, my car a calling card for my old pack. If they’re looking for me, simply moving my car won’t make me safe.

Maybe I should take the offer and stay out of work today.
