Page 75 of Hidden Trial

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“I do. I’m confident now more than ever that I can do it, although I’ll be happy never to see a pair of high heels again in my life.”

“No kidding.” Maddy smiled. “You get used to them after a while. Just don’t go climbing any ladders.”

“Why would I do that?”

“I don’t know. But I did it myself before I was attacked.”

“Have you found out anything more? I should have asked how the investigation is going into your assault. I’m too caught up in my own stuff.”

“Doesn’t matter. There’s nothing to tell.”

“But you still don’t think it’s related to Antonio?”

“If it is, I don’t see how. It doesn’t fit any way you look at it.”

“Good. Then I’d like to keep moving forward. I just don’t know how to convince Will.”

“Listen, about my sarcastic remarks about the trafficking thing you were involved in—I’m sorry for giving you a hard time.”

“It’s fine. I never set out to get involved in it. I sort of fell into it and was able to survive. Maybe that’s why I’m determined to do this job now. It felt really good helping all those people. I want to do more of that.”

“I’m surprised you don’t have any residual effects from that. You’re handling this all really well. Often that type of trauma can haunt people for years, or even the rest of their lives. I mean, look at Mom after she lost Dad.”

“That’s the one thing I’ve been most afraid of, letting the fear cripple me like that. Maybe that’s why it hasn’t. I’ve fought against it. When I got back and moved away from you and Mom, it was like a fresh start. I think I was glad to get out of your shadow too. Be my own person for once.”

“Was it really that bad being my sister?”

“Not as bad as I make it out to be. We both have our faults, and my own insecurities don’t help. No one ever gets life completely right.”

“I know I got a lot of the attention. But it was only because I always felt overshadowed by you. You were a better person than I was, and I thought the only way to make up for that was to stand out more than you.”

“So we’re both a bit messed up.”

“Guess so.”

“I’m sorry I left you.”

“You did what you thought you had to do. I was mostly mad because you left me to look after Mom, and I couldn’t do it. My job is too demanding, and I chose work over her, and now look at her.”

“That’s not your fault. And she’s getting help.”

“Do you talk to her often?”

“I do. You?”

“Not as much as I should.”

“She’s coping okay, but since seeing you again, I’ve been thinking that I’ve spent enough time in hiding. It’s been long enough. No one’s looking for me. Maybe it’s time to rejoin my family. I miss you.”

“I’ve missed you too. We made quite a team growing up.”

Charlotte laughed. “We did have some fun times, didn’t we?”

“So, if you’re done hiding, does that mean I can call you Charlie again? I don’t like calling you Charlotte. I never liked that name.”

“What’s wrong with Charlotte?”

“I don’t know. It sounds frilly, and you’re not a frilly person.”
