Page 85 of Hidden Trial

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“You always did think you could see into my soul. Why are you here?”

“I told you I’ll go if you’re uncomfortable.”

“You obviously heard I was hurt and came to rescue me. You always thought I needed saving.”

“You’re a strong woman, Maddy, but everyone needs rescuing once in a while. As for your injuries, I think I knew before I heard.”

Maddy smirked. “Don’t tell me you’ve come here to push that God stuff on me again.”

She hadn’t trained long with Peter, but he’d been one of the best men she’d ever known. He’d inspired her up until the point when she’d found out about his beliefs.

She’d seen the way religion had eaten away at her father. He’d had faith that God would heal him until the day he’d died, slow and painful. Then, she’d watched as anxiety stole her mom’s life away. It was why, when Charlie had started in on her about God, she’d pushed her away, absorbing herself in her work. Anything to escape. That was when she’d met Peter.

“How’s Jemi doing?” she said, turning the conversation away from herself.

“We recently found out she has breast cancer.”

That news stole her breath. She’d only met Peter’s wife a handful of times, but she’d fallen in love with the woman like a second mom. She’d never met anyone whose heart was as open as Jemila’s. With Jemi, you always felt loved and accepted exactly the way you were, no matter how broken you might be. “I’m so…I don’t know what to say.”

“We find peace in our faith.”

“You should know better than to say that to me.”

“I know your dad suffered while he was—”

“Don’t. You know it won’t end well. And don’t tell me you’re believing for healing.”

“We are.”

“I don’t want to hear that, and you know it. Is that why you came? To torture me while I couldn’t escape? Maybe youshouldgo.”

“I didn’t want to come.”

“Then why are you here?”

“Because you need me to be.”

“You afraid I’ll kill myself? All this mental anguish from being stuck in bed.”

“The thought had crossed my mind, but no. Now that I see you, it’s obvious you’re determined to soldier on.”

“Then what is it?”

“I don’t know. All I know is that I felt an urgency to be here.”

“Everything is fine. I’ll get through it. I don’t need your help.”

“I didn’t come to stir things up.”

“Didn’t you? You were always good at it.”

Peter pulled out a card and laid it on her lap. “I’ll be in town for a little while.”

“Shouldn’t you be with your wife?”

“She’s good. She’s got friends around, and she’d hate me if I came back early. She liked you a lot.”

“She was always good to me. If you speak to her, tell her I said hi and I’m sorry for her illness.”
