Page 75 of A Childhood Crush

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“That’s our song,” I said.


“‘I will always love you,’” I said. “How many times did you make me watchThe Bodyguard? That’s our song. Every time I hear it, I think of you.”

Her face lit up. “It’s perfect. It’s so us. It will always hold good memories for us.”

We walked off the dance floor together. I couldn’t wait for the day when we could dance together again. I knew it would be the happiest day of my life, and I was going to cherish every moment we shared.



Eight months later

I pulled the casserole from the oven and inhaled. It smelled amazing. Growing up with a full staff, including a chef, I didn’t get a chance to learn how to cook. My parents assumed I would marry wealthy and employ my own staff. That was what they assumed, but that wasn’t what I wanted. They could never understand why I wanted to do things for myself, including making my own bed and cooking my own meals.

Living with Luke had given me the chance to really settle into who I was. I was thirty-one and still trying to figure that out. In many ways, I felt like I was eighteen and just spreading my wings. I had just finished a cooking class at the local community college. It was something Luke encouraged me to do. He was such a good boyfriend and best friend. I was still working here and there when I could, but mostly, I just took care of him. That brought me more joy than I could ever put into words.

This was the life I wanted. I didn’t mind that he paid the bills. It no longer felt like he was taking care of me in a negative way. We took care of each other. I saw how happy it made him to be able to provide a home for me.

My independence came from other things. I got to choose what jobs I took. I got to choose what meals I made and how I spent my day. I wasn’t under anyone’s thumb. My relationship with Luke was on equal footing as far as I was concerned. Tonight, when I revealed my surprise, I knew our lives were going to change for the better.

I put the casserole in the warming oven and finished the salad. When I heard the door open, butterflies erupted in my belly.

“Something smells good,” he said, walking into the kitchen.

“I hope it tastes as good as it smells.” I laughed. “I’ve had a few misses.”

“Nothing a little salt couldn’t cure,” he grinned.

He wrapped his arms around me and held me close. I buried my face in his neck and inhaled his unique scent. “I missed you,” I murmured.

“I missed you.”

“I have two surprises for you,” I announced.

He leaned his head back from mine, flashing me a sexy smile. “Oh yeah? I’ve got one really big surprise for you. Although, I’m not sure it’s really a surprise at this point.”

I laughed. “Not that, but maybe later.”

“What’s up?” he asked.

I grabbed his hand and walked him into the living room. I picked up the printed manuscript and handed it to him. “Ta-da!” I smiled.

He frowned and looked at it, reading the small print on the front before lifting his eyes to mine. I saw the surprise and pride. “It’s done?”

“It’s done.” I replied proudly. “I finally got to type the two sweetest words ever heard—The End.”

He dropped the manuscript and pulled me into his arms. He lifted me up and twirled me around. “Congratulations! I knew you were going to finish it. Good job. I couldn’t be more proud of you. You did it. You actually did it.”

“Thank you.” I laughed as he put me back on my feet. “It was a labor of love. I’m glad it’s over. I almost feel a little sad that it’s done. I feel like I’m leaving behind my family.”

“No, you’re sending your family out into the world,” he said. “What next?”

“Next, I guess I see if I can get an agent,” I replied. “But I’m not getting my hopes up. I know how many other successful writers wrote a bunch of books before they ever sold one.”

“But that’s not going to happen to you. Your book is amazing. It’s going to fly off the shelves like hotcakes.”
