Page 20 of Luna Wolf's Heat

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“How are you doing?” he asked. “Do you need anything?”

She opened the door and smiled at him. “I’m fine. I actually feel human again. Thanks so much for having me over.”

“Anytime,” he beamed before adding, “I ordered pizza. I figured you would be hungry.”

“Pizza,” she repeated.

“Yeah. Double cheese with red peppers and chili flakes.”

Her mouth dropped down. “How did you know?”

“You mentioned it once as the best gaming snack right before you gave me shit for liking …”

“Beef jerky,” she finished for him with a grin. “I remember.”

Canaan beamed at her. “Yeah. Come on, let’s eat.”

She followed him into the kitchen, completely surprised that the man had remembered how she liked her pizza. During her entire relationship with Jordan, he hadn’t even remembered how she took her coffee every morning.

Elizabeth believed it was the little things like that which made or broke a relationship. Thinking about it now, she had made a lot of excuses for Jordan, but for the life of her, she couldn’t rememberwhy.

He didn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt.

More than that, Jordan didn’t deserve all the power she had given him by sulking for six months.

Did he suck? Yes. Was he a garbage person? Absolutely!

But that didn’t mean she had to keep herself tied down to how he had treated her. She could move on.

“It’s really sweet that you remembered this,” Elizabeth said before taking a big bite.

“It’s the details that make it easy to get to know a person.”

“I totally agree. And I’ve got to say …” She glanced around his kitchen. “Being here is definitely giving me a big glimpse into whoyouare.”

He blushed in the most endearing way possible, even avoiding her glance. It was insane. How could a manthathot bethatshy? There was a picture on his wall with one of the most beautiful women in the world in what was basically lingerie. Ginny LaRoue was a famous actress who had won all kinds of awards for her actingandher beauty.

Her role as Ji’Una the Enchantress inFantasy Warriorshad only skyrocketed an already impressive career, and there Canaan was, with his arm around her waist like …

Well … like a man who had been there, done that.

Elizabeth felt her cheeks heat over at the thought. Was that jealousy clawing at the bottom of her belly? It sure felt like it. She shook her head and stuffed more pizza into her mouth to wash away the emotion, but she was a sucker because after swallowing her mouthful, she heard herself ask, “How was Ginny LaRoue in person?”

“Ginny is a sweetheart. She’s really nice. Did you know she did most of her stunts in that movie?”

“Of course she did,” Elizabeth chuckled. “She looks like the kind of woman who wouldn’t want to be outdone by the guys.”

“That’s about it, yeah.”

“Are you still in contact with her? The other actors?”

He shrugged in what Elizabeth could only qualify as a tense gesture.Oh, yeah. He had gotten down with Ginny.

Lucky girl.


