Page 22 of Luna Wolf's Heat

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“Do you ever get lonely?” he asked before he could think better of it. “In the city?” he quickly added before Elizabeth caught on to the longing in his tone.

“I do, yeah, but I’ve been lonely my whole life. My mother is a bit of a flake. Even when I was a little girl, she would dump me with distant relatives for days or sometimes weeks while she went on all these silent retreats or spiritual courses. Our last name isn’t actually Mooney. She changed her name to that when she was young, and she gave me the same last name when I was born.”

“Why Mooney?”

“She really likes the moon. When she would leave, she would always tell me to look up at the moon when I was sad and missed her. It stuck. I still do that, but now, it’s not so much that I miss my mother. It’s more …” She paused to heave a heavy sigh. “It’s more like the moon has been the only constant thing in my life.”

“It must have been rough to be cast off on relatives like that. I’m sorry for you.”

Elizabeth shrugged. “It wasn’t so bad when I was with my grandparents, but it got a bit dicier after they died. I did everything in my power to graduate from high school early to get my ass to college.”

Canaan’s heart broke for Elizabeth. Their upbringings couldn’t have been more different. “I had to claw and fight to get any sort of peace from my siblings. As much as I complain about them, I’m grateful to have them in my life. Whenever I need help, I know they’re there for me.”

“That must be so nice. I’ve always been by myself. I never could rely on my mother. When I was a senior in college, I actually had to take out a loan to help my mom out with some trouble she got into.” Elizabeth sighed again. “When Jordan came along, I really thought that I had found someone to share my life with. A partner, someone to rely on when I was down and out.”


“Yeah. Asshole is right.”

“You deserve so much better than what you’ve been dealt.”

Elizabeth laughed, but it was a sad and resigned sound that made Canaan’s heart sink. He wanted to erase her past and give her a new kind of future. A life full of wolves that would love and protect her as one of their own.

“You know, Elizabeth, no matter what happens with this investigation, you’ve got me on your side. If I’m the wolf, you’re my moon.”

Her head snapped in his direction; her lips parted in a gasp. Her cheeks were crimson with blush. He should have stopped right there. He should have stopped being so damn obvious about what he felt for her, but his wolf took over his mouth, and he heard himself say, “Queen_Luna and her Blood Wolf. Now there is a story that could have a happy ending.”

She gulped audibly and licked her lips. “Are you talking about the video game?”

He chuckled. It was an easy out. “If that’s what you want to believe.”

“Canaan …” she whispered.

“If you don’t look at your screen soon, you’ll be chopped in half by an Undead.”

She turned back to her screen just in time to save her character from certain death. Canaan was playing it fast and loose with his heart, but he couldn’t stop himself.

He was falling in love with Elizabeth Mooney, and there was no going back from that.

She was his fated mate, and he would always be hers.

Even if she didn’t know.

Even if she never wanted him.



Queen_Luna and her Blood Wolf. Now there is a story that could have a happy ending.

Canaan’s words played on repeat in Elizabeth’s mind as she tried to fall asleep that night. It was impossible. She couldn’t forget the look in his golden eyes or the smile on his lush lips.

Elizabeth was in danger.

Real, terrible, and wonderful danger of developing feelings for Canaan Wolverton.

Her crush on him was already burning a little brighter than it should. It wasn’t just that he was handsome. It was everything about him.

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