Page 23 of Luna Wolf's Heat

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The way he had saved her from an uncertain but definitely uncomfortable situation.

The way he was super intoFantasy Warriors… a fanboy like no one else she knew beyond herself.

The way he griped about his family but still loved them and appreciated them.

Elizabeth had always wanted what Canaan had. Jordan was supposed to have been that path to love, marriage, and children. It had obviously turned to shit, but did that mean she had to close herself off from everything she wanted?

Wouldn’t that be giving Jordan too much power?

She punched her pillow with a grunt. There was no way she would sleep with Canaan’s words floating in her head right beside Jordan’s ill-treatment of her.

She hopped out of bed, and as quietly as she could, Elizabeth snuck into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water. She stood by the enormous window with her face turned to the moon.Help me see my path, would you?she quietly asked the big white orb.

No sooner had she thought the words that movement in the trees caught her eyes.

A tawny wolf.

Coming through the thick trees and undergrowth, a wolf padded close to the house. Elizabeth gasped and froze. The wolf was massive and beautiful. Its fur was a rich tan color that matched its golden eyes perfectly. The shade was so reminiscent of Canaan’s eyes that she shivered.

She stood staring at the wolf, and maybe she was losing her mind because she was pretty damn sure the wolf was staring right back at her.

Elizabeth wasn’t sure how long she stood there with the creature and the moon as her only companions, but when she finally did get back to bed, she fell asleep immediately. When she dreamed, she was running in the woods with the gold-eyed wolf.

* * *

The next morning,Elizabeth joined Canaan in the kitchen. He stood at the stove, grilling bacon, eggs, and sausages. He beamed at her. “Morning. I hope you’re hungry.”

“No one ever cooked me a big breakfast before,” she said. “Can I help with something?”

“Nope. I got it covered. Grab some coffee and take a seat. It’s almost ready.”

Elizabeth poured two cups and set one on the counter for Canaan before settling at the table. “There was a wolf in the woods last night.”

Canaan stiffened. “Yeah. I know.”

“Is it dangerous to go out there? Should I be scared to walk around the property?”

He shook his head. “Not a chance. That wolf won’t harm you. You’re Queen_Luna, after all.”

She grinned at him. “I doubt the wolf knows my screen name.”

“Oh, I don’t know. Wolves are pretty smart creatures.”

Canaan and Elizabeth were barely done clearing their dishes from breakfast when the doorbell rang a few times in rapid succession.

“That’ll be Rylee,” Canaan said, tensing.

This confused Elizabeth. After all, he had been the one who insisted that she hire Rylee to represent her. “Isn’t that a good thing?”

He nodded, still tense. “Yeah, of course, it is. I just wish I had more time to prepare you …”

“Prepare me?”

“My sister is a bit of a character.”

She frowned. “What do you mean?”

“She’s a total badass, and she scares most people just by showing up, which is great in her career. But she’s my big sister, and as Ryland’s twin, she participated in a lot of the razzing.”
