Page 24 of Luna Wolf's Heat

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Elizabeth tried to suppress her grin. “I didn’t grow up with siblings, but I can only imagine that big sisters are something else. You’re scared she’ll embarrass you, huh?”

“Scared? Oh, no. I’m sure shewill.” The doorbell rang out again and again as if Rylee were just holding down the button. “I better let her in before she blows down the door.”

“About damn time,” Rylee said, coming through the door. She shoved a big black duffel bag in her brother’s arms before turning her attention to Elizabeth. “Well, well. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” she held out her hand.

Elizabeth shook it, too stunned to speak. Apparently, the strange gold eyes and exceptional good looks were a family trait.

“That bag has some clothes for you. Toiletries and some other girl stuff because my brother is a hermit who has never been in the presence of females for longer than ten minutes.” She winked at Elizabeth and counted down her fingers before Canaan interjected.

“Come on, Rylee. Don’t start.”

“Fine, fine. Come, let’s go to the kitchen. I need some coffee before I dive into your little issue.”

“Little?” Elizabeth finally found her voice. “Do you really think it’s a little problem?”

“Well, no. Of course, I don’t. I was just trying to make you feel better. Canaan warned me that there was more to the story than he could share. So,” Rylee sat at the kitchen table and looked Elizabeth right in the eyes. “Tell me everything from the very beginning.”

“Umm …” She hesitated.

“Hey, Canaan? Do me a favor. Go do your job before Wilder decides to fly over to kick your ass into the office.”

Canaan crossed his arms. “I am going to work but only because I have to. Not because you’re telling me to.”

“Sure thing, baby bro,” Rylee replied, making a pot of coffee.

“You think a man could be master in his own home,” Canaan grumbled on his way out.

“Honey, I’m the master in any room I’m in.” She shooed him, and though he was slack-jawed, he walked away. “God, it is so fun to mess with him,” Rylee laughed. “I swear, it’s like I’m sixteen every time I see that face of his. But really, Canaan is a good guy. Super sweet and maybe a bit too naive. I personally think it’s all that time he spends in front of computers, but what do I know? I prefer spending my time eating little lawyers in courtrooms.” Rylee spoke fast and rarely took a breath. Her lung capacity was impressive. “You can participate in this conversation, you know.”

“Right, yeah.”

“Don’t be shy, Elizabeth. If my brother didn’t care for you, he never would’ve gotten me involved. He’s too much of a private person for that. So, spill.” Rylee poured two cups of coffee and brought them to the table.

Elizabeth looked deep into her drink, getting herself mentally prepared for the beginning of her fight for her name and her reputation. “I was fired for corporate espionage.”

“Let’s go before that,” Rylee said, sipping her coffee.

“You mean when Jordan stole my algorithm?”

“Yes. Explain it to me. Be specific. Was it really stolen?”

“Well, it was on my computer with all of my work, and the morning he dumped me, it vanished from my laptop.”

Rylee pulled out a notepad, and her hand flew across it, writing as Elizabeth spoke. “No, shit.” Rylee was quiet for the first time, scrutinizing Elizabeth’s features. “Did he have access to this computer?”

“Of course. It was in the house, and we basically lived together. He never stayed at his place.”

“And did he have the password?”

Elizabeth looked away.

“Ah, come on, girl. EvenIknow that a computer needs to be password protected. But don’t beat yourself up about it. My husband has all my passwords, so I have no legs to stand on.”

Over the next hour, Elizabeth told Rylee absolutelyeverything… more than she thought she should share, but she couldn’t help herself. Rylee was a good listener, and she asked a lot of questions. Elizabeth wasn’t sure how all of it would be useful in a court case, but it felt so good to unburden herself.

When Elizabeth finally reached the end of her tale, Rylee blew out a breath. “Girl, you’ve beenthrough some shit. I am so glad you’re friends with Canaan. He’s definitely going to be a big part of our strategy for this.”

Her eyes went wide. “Oh? Why?”

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